We're From America

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Chapter 2: We’re From America

‘Should I call him? Should I call him and hang up? Oh, sod it!’

I picked up the phone and dialled. It rang, and rang, and rang, and just when I thought the line would cut out, someone picked up.

Hello?” the unfamiliar voice asked.

“Um, hi…I was wondering…is… Marilyn there?” I asked nervously. ‘Well, at least it wasn’t a woman that picked up…’

Yeah, he’s here, hang on…

I waited patiently, my stomach filled with butterflies as I started to imagine the reception this call would get. I heard whoever had answered the phone call out that Marilyn had a phone call and Marilyn yelled back asking who it was.

Who is this please?

“Tell him he left a note on my bed…” I replied and listened as my message was relayed, a surprised “Oh!” followed and the sound of the phone changing hands.

Hello…” Marilyn’s voice said through the phone quietly.

“Hey there…” I paused, nervous. “Was this a bad time?”

No, not at all…” he paused as well. “Was there something you wanted to tell me…?

“Yeah, actually, I wanted you to know my name…since you left before I could tell you last time…and, also, to ask you something…”

Alright,” even through the phone I could hear the smirk in his voice. “What’s your name, gorgeous?

I blushed at the small compliment. “Shannon… my name’s Shannon…”

Pretty…” he sighed. “And…your question, Shannon?

“I was just going to ask if…” I stopped, biting my bottom lip, uncertain as to if I should continue.


“If…maybe…you would like to just hang out, or have a drink some time… if that’s not too corny…” I waited; a prolonged silence the only reply it seemed I would receive.

That sounds…lovely.” Marilyn replied eventually, but the hesitation in his voice made my heart drop momentarily. “Would you like to come and hang out with the band and I…?”

“Yeah, sure.” I replied; a bright smile spread itself across my face.

It’s just…we’re kinda at my place.” He explained. “Knowing my reputation as you probably do…would you be entirely comfortable with being here with us?

“I don’t mind, honestly.” I replied nonchalantly, though slightly hesitant.

Alright then, I’ll see you in a bit then.” he turned away from the phone to call out, “I’m going to get someone. Don’t burn the house down.” And then the line cut out.

All I had to do was wait, in an incredibly nervous state, for him to arrive.


“We’re here!” Marilyn called out as he opened the front door, guiding an incredibly nervous me inside.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps in the adjoining room and then, as I looked towards the sound, Johnny came through. Both our jaws dropped simultaneously.



“What on earth are you…” he trailed off, looking at Marilyn. “Yeah, I know her.” He looked back at me, “Do I get a hug now?”

“Um…sure.” I replied as I went forward to hug him, only to be picked up and spun around in circles. “Hey, I missed you too…but, can you put me down now? I’m getting kinda dizzy.”

His trademark laugh, deep and booming, followed as he put me down again; he found this all quite amusing, whereas I felt a little awkward. “So, what are you doing here?”

“In America or here in this room?” I asked and cocked my head to the side in genuine curiosity.

“Both.” Johnny replied and folded his arms across his chest, awaiting my explanation.

“In America, because I can…and I got a job over here…and here,” I pointed down at the spot where I was standing. “Because I asked Marilyn if he wanted to hang out and he suggested here as a good place to do that.”

Johnny raised one quizzical eyebrow and looked pointedly at Marilyn. “Hurt her, and you deal with me.”

“No offense Johnny, but I think he could take you…” I deadpanned, but I knew there was no way to hide the mocking look in my eyes. “And so could I.

He glared at me for a moment before smiling. “Alright, shorty,” he smirked, rumpling my hair affectionately. “Welcome to the abode of Marilyn Manson! Beware all those who enter!” he grinned evilly as he turned and walked back the way he’d originally come. “C’mon! Meet the gang!”

I stood still, not sure if I could move, until I felt Marilyn’s hand rest in the small of my back. Nervously, I looked up. He was looking at me curiously, as if awaiting an explanation…then my brain kicked into gear again and I knew what he wanted to know.

“Oh, yeah…I met him a few years back when you were touring in the UK…” I half smiled, suddenly shy. “He and I got on so well that we decided to stay in touch…email…video calls, well, you get the picture.”

He nodded, smirking. “Shall we?” Marilyn motioned towards the door John had gone through. I nodded slowly as he bent down slightly to whisper in my ear, “Shy, are we?”

“Yeah…a bit.” I paused, looking back at him. “Do forgive me for being slightly star-struck…”

“Of course.” He chuckled as he led me into the next room. “Guys, meet Shannon. She’s shy, so…be kind.”

Several dark chuckles escaped the occupants of the room as names were exchanged. Apparently I was ‘fresh meat’…and I was also fair game…


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