No Reflection

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Chapter 23 – No Reflection

{Marilyn POV}

It’s been nearly two months…and she still hasn’t woken up. At the start the doctors were certain she’d wake up in no more than two weeks…but I’d had no such luck. I couldn’t give up hope though…how would I raise our child without her? I shuddered at the thought of losing her, my grip on her hand tightening.

“This is my fault…” I murmured to her…and slightly to myself; remembering lyrics I’d recently come up with. ‘You don’t even want to know what I’m going to do to you…’

“Hey…” I looked up, relieved to see Twiggy standing in the doorway. “How’s she doing?” I sighed as he sat on the opposite side of Shannon’s bed. “And you?” I pointed to the pile of lyrics and composition pages to his right. He shuffled through them and looked at me. “That bad huh?”

I nodded. “I just…” I started slightly as I felt my hand being squeezed. “She just…” I looked from Twiggy to Shannon to where my hand held hers. “Shan, do that again…please…” I waited…her hand tightened around mine again. “She’s squeezing my hand!” I cried for joy as Doctor Clayton hurried into the room. “She just squeezed my hand, Doctor! Is she waking up?”

The doctor checked her vitals. He gaped and then shouted. “Helen!” a woman ran into the room. “This lady is having contractions…we need to move her…now!” the woman, Helen, scurried off as Doctor Clayton turned to me. “Everything is fine…do you want to be there for the birth?”

“Of course he does!” Twiggy yelled.

“Will you be joining him?” the Doctor eyed Twiggy curiously. “Seeing as this may be… difficult…”

I looked at Twiggy. “Yeah…I’m about to become an uncle! Of course I’ll be there for you!” he winked at me as several nurses rushed into the room and began wheeling Shannon away.

“Right, then you both need to come with me…” the Doctor signed something and motioned for us to follow. “Now.”


Twiggy stood beside me as I held my unconscious wife’s hand; the doctors doing whatever it was they had to in order for this birth to go well. Every now and then, Shannon would squeeze my hand, which I’d since learned usually occurred whenever she had another contraction.

“Okay, she’s crowning…” Doctor Clayton stated simply.

Everyone was calm, collected, like this was normal…and maybe it was…well, that was…until a piecing scream echoed around the room. But that wasn’t what made me jump, I did those all the time…what made me jump was Shannon’s hand clamping around mine almost painfully.

“Son of a bitch!” my eyes snapped towards Shannon. Her eyes were open…and her face scrunched slightly in pain. “Good God in Heaven…”

“You’re awake…” I stated in shock; then threw my arms around her.

“Yeah…” she groaned, her hand finding mine again and squeezing hard. “Now…I need some air…please…” I pulled back but she didn’t let go. “Don’t you dare go anywhere, mister.” She managed a smile through another contraction and then screwed her eyes shut.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I replied as Twiggy ruffled her hair affectionately.

She let out a strained laugh. “Ha ha…uncle Twiggy… I love it…

“Damn straight!” Twiggy chuckled.

“Okay, Shannon, I know this is a bit much to take in…” Doctor Clayton said reassuringly. “But I need you to do exactly as I say…alright?” Shannon nodded and cried out as another contraction swept through her. “It’s alright, Shannon, it’s all alright…” he paused. “Okay, Shannon…I need you to push when I say so, okay?” he paused again. “Okay Shannon…I need you to push now.”

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