The Nobodies

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Chapter 13: The Nobodies

Paparazzi tailed Marilyn and me into the airport as I went to collect my two younger sisters. I’d assured him that I’d be fine getting them myself, but he had insisted on coming along. I knew there were a million photos of us being snapped at any given moment, but my care level was zero. All I cared about was seeing my sisters again. It had been a year and a half since I’d moved to America…and I missed them so.

Their flight was announced as disembarking at gate twelve and, in spite of myself, I smiled joyfully. I saw them before they saw me and I ran to them, tears in my eyes, hugging them tightly. I heard cameras going off behind me, but I couldn’t have cared less. My sisters were with me…they were safe…they were staring behind me.

I turned to see Marilyn waiting just behind me, awaiting introduction. I stumbled over my words as I hurried to correct the situation. “Ah, girls, this is Marilyn Manson… my… boyfriend… Marilyn, these are my sisters,” I pointed to each in turn. “Ash is the tall one with the oddly brilliant fashion sense, and Jess is the sporty one.” I turned back to my sisters who were frowning slightly. “It’s easier for him to remember that way…” they continued to frown slightly. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re… dating Marilyn Manson…” Ash raised a quizzical eyebrow at me as Jess went up and said hi to Marilyn.

“Yup.” I grinned sheepishly as she nodded and smirked. “Well,” I said looking back over to the sea of paparazzi. “I guess we better get going.”

Ash noticed the flashing cameras directed at our little group finally. “Are they here for you…or Marilyn?”

“Both.” Marilyn smirked as he slid his arm around my waist and led us all out of the airport again. “And now,” he smirked at my sisters and me. “They’re here for the three nobodies.”


Tony was waiting for us when we finally got back to my house after the pick-up from the airport and a little sight-seeing for my sister’s benefit. My sisters knew him from my school years. He’d been the only friend to stick by me the whole time. He was camp as a row of tents…but I loved him, and so did they. He took them upstairs to unpack whilst I collapsed onto my soft, comfy sofa.

“Well…that went better than I could’ve hoped.” I murmured to myself; as I leant back into the sofas’ cushions and closed my eyes, I felt Marilyn seat himself beside me.

“How so?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Well…I hadn’t told anyone back home about you…I didn’t know how they’d go finding out I kept something like this from them…” I replied as I snuggled into his side.

“Ah,” Marilyn replied softly as I heard the girls coming back downstairs. “How do you think they’d feel about going to a live gig?”

I opened my eyes quickly. “Um…I don’t know…it’d be their first live gig at any rate…why? What are you thinking?”

Marilyn smirked down at me before turning to my sisters. “Hey, you two, how would you like to join your sister backstage at my next show this Friday?”

I saw Ash’s eyes widen slightly. “As in…go to your show?” she asked and he nodded. Ash looked at Jess; they both had slightly bemused smiles on their faces. “We’re being asked to go to a Marilyn Manson concert…by Marilyn Manson…” they both grinned then looked at me pleadingly. “Oh, please Shan! Can we go?!”

I looked at them for a moment, teasing them slightly with my thoughtful paused. “Of course you can go!” I grinned at them. “I think you’re old enough and I’ll be damned if I don’t show you a good time whilst you’re over here with me!” I paused, my smile became sarcastic. “We’ll party in the U.S.A.”

Marilyn snorted and shook his head. "Awful pun..."

"No," I smirked as i kissed his cheek. "Just corny."
Okay! Last chapter for tonight I think... I've been wrong before though ;)

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