Heart Shaped Glasses

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Okay, I lied...I just couldn't 'not' put this chapter up! 


Chapter 14: Heart Shaped Glasses

Shannon watched her sisters ecstatic faces as they all sat to the side of the stage watching the band perform. Usually they weren’t fans of The Fight Song, but tonight they were loving it. Shannon smiled proudly; she was so proud of them. They were growing up fast…but they were growing into strong young women with courage and understanding. They’d need that with the situation with their father right now.

She laughed as her sisters cheered. The song had ended and, as the next one started, Marilyn walked out of the darkened section of stage. Shannon could just hear her sister, Ashley, singing along to The Dope Show over the incredibly loud music. But it was her sister Jess that had the majority of her attention. She was staring in earnest at something across the stage. Shannon followed her gaze and found it was not something but someone. Twiggy was grinning at Shannon like he knew something she didn’t.

Shannon lifted her heart-shaped glasses and raised an eyebrow at him, part mocking, part curiously scared. But his grin never fell, he merely nodded towards Marilyn and then to the opposite side of the stage from her. She made a face at him, confused, and shrugged, rolling her eyes.

Her mocking gaze soon turned to one of confusion as Twiggy made a hand gesture at her and the band began playing ‘Heart Shaped Glasses’. For that song, everything went back to normal…well, as normal as a Marilyn Manson concert can be. That was, until the last words were sung and he Marilyn turned to look at her, longing and anxiety warring in his eyes, as Shannon was lifted from behind by two unknown men, carried out onto the stage and then left next to her grinning, rock-star boyfriend.

Marilyn turned to look at the crowd. “You all remember Shannon, the love of my life, right?” his question was answered with screams of approval and wolf whistles, and he laughed. “Well, there’s something I’ve been meaning to do…and I wanted all of you to be a part of this moment!” the crowd cheered again as Marilyn winked at Shannon and motioned to the opposite side of the stage. One of his chariot girls walked out, smiling and carrying a lid-covered silver platter. Shannon looked at the rest of the guys, out at the crowd, back at her smiling sisters, and then back at Manson. “I wanted the perfect moment to do this, and this one pretty much fits the bill.” He paused and nodded to the girl beside him. “Everyone watching who matters…recorded live for the new DVD…”

The girl lifted the lid, revealing a small, velvet box, and Shannon’s hands flew up to her face in shock. “Oh my God!”

“And so…in this perfect moment, I have to ask you…” he knelt down before her and opened the velvet box. Inside was the most beautiful ring Shannon had ever seen, and tears of joy filled her eyes as he continued. “Shannon Leigh Leonard… Will you marry me?”

The crowd screamed, different answers jockeying for her attention, but she didn’t hear them. Her whole world fell away until all she saw…was Marilyn…her hands finally came away from her face. She knew she was blushing like crazy, but she didn’t care. As the world fell back into place, her words caught in her throat. Her eyes found his and she smiled, nodding her head vigorously. “Yes…” she whispered as he stood and slid the ring onto her finger, taking her into his arms. Her cheeks darkened another shade as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”

His lips claimed hers in a searing kiss as the band struck up again, playing Evidence as she took her seat once more and gazed in awe with her sisters from the ring on her finger to the gorgeous man she now called fiancé on stage…


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