The Man That You Fear

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Chapter 12: The Man That You Fear

“Okay,” Johnny said firmly as he sat me down and donned his most serious face. “We want the whole story.”

I sighed reluctantly as Marilyn nudged me. “Fine…well, about eight months ago, according to my sisters, mum went home during her lunch break to surprise dad for their wedding anniversary.” I paused, feeling the same sickening feeling that had overwhelmed me when I’d first been told this. “When she got home, she found the front door unlocked, music blaring, and dad in bed banging a twenty-six year old blonde waitress. I did derive slight humour from the aforementioned blonde’s name…Chastity…”

Johnny and Twiggy laughed, but I only half smiled. “Is she a hooker or a pole dancer? She gotta be one of those two things with a name like that!” Twiggy joked.

“Neither…” I leant forward, resting my chin on my hands. “She’s a waitress slash wannabe actress…”

“So… a hooker?” Johnny winked and this time, I did laugh. “So, what happened then?”

“Well, dad filed for divorce without a second thought and mum agreed. She got the house, which is completely paid off, and the cars…and full custody of my sisters, because she’s the hard working mother that everyone in the town loves and respects… and also because the truth about how he treated me growing up came to light, quite by accident. She ended up giving dad his car and his stuff and he and this Chastity moved in together the next town over from where I grew up.” I shrugged. “It seemed everything would be okay for a while, and then dad started calling my sisters and my mum…even my nan! He threatened to do worse than he’d done to me if he didn’t get to see the girls…”

“Which is where you came into it…right?” Twiggy’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “they’re not the only ones being threatened, are they?”

I looked down, fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt. “About a week and a half ago, my dad got in touch with me… apparently the girls are being sent over to me for safe keeping during their school holidays…”

“Because he doesn’t know where you are over here.” Twiggy nodded.

“Yep, I made sure he would never know where I’d moved to after I came over here.” I replied, finally looking up. “Mum knew, of course, so that she’d know where to send things…”

“And how she knows where to send your sisters.” Johnny finished for me. I nodded. “When are they coming?”

“They arrive tomorrow…but dad’s following them.” I glared at the carpet. “Chastity found my number, called me, and gave me a heads up. He’s about eight hours behind my sister’s flight.” My voice trembled as I continued. “He doesn’t know where I live…but he always had an uncanny ability to find me when I hid. If anything happens to my sisters I’ll never forgive myself…and if it’s because of my dad, I’ll fucking kill the bastard.”

“Well,” Pogo said bluntly, straightening his shoulders. “Looks like we’ll be hanging out a lot then.” He smiled at me when I gave him a confused look. “People are terrified of us! If he comes anywhere near you, we’ll get him.”

I watched in utter amazement as the rest of the band nodded in agreement and murmured words of encouragement. When I finally responded, I smiled genuinely. “Thank-you…” when they all shrugged it off I continued. “No, reallythank-you…”


I know, it's short...but I'll upload one more chapter to make up for that my fellow rockers and rock-ets! ;D

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