Sweet Tooth

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Chapter 20 – Sweet Tooth

{Three months later}

“I’m getting married in the morning…” I sang as I handed my mother a mug of tea and laughed with her. “Oh! I can’t believe it! It’s finally happening!”

You can’t believe it? I can’t believe my eldest is getting married! And at twenty four too!” My mother smiled, sighing a little as she shook her head in loving disbelief. “But, it’s what you want, so I won’t stand in your way…besides,” she looked at the photos on the mantle behind me. “He seems completely in love with you.” She shrugged and smiled again. “So I can’t object.”

“Nope.” I winked and we both laughed. “Hey! Did you want to see the dress?”

“Absolutely honey!” My mum stood and followed me into mine and Marilyn’s room…well…mine tonight…he was staying with Twiggy…no seeing the bride the day before the wedding and all that. I sighed as I pulled the dress from its cover and smiled at my mother’s reaction.

“Oh, honey…it’s beautiful…” I saw her eyes begin to tear up and felt mine od the same. “Just like you, dear.”

“Thanks mum…um…hey…” I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. “Give me away tomorrow?”

She smiled and hugged me warmly. “Of course honey…” we held each other close, knowing visits home would be far and in between from now on. “Of course…”


My heart fluttered nervously as I stood, hand-in-hand, with Marilyn. Our minister… Twiggy… good idea? Probably not. How I wanted it? Absolutely yes!

I couldn’t help but laugh quietly as Twiggy began the final part of the service. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, apparently, which is scary, to witness the wedding of this man and this total goddess.” Twiggy smirked at me as Marilyn narrowed his eyes at him and continued. “Jesus Christ alone knows why she's marrying him. But love is, as the Everly Brothers so wisely observed, strange.”

I felt my cheeks darken a shade at the memory of Twiggy accidentally walking in on Marilyn and I in a compromising position…listening the song he had just referred to. I looked up, blushing again as the Marilyn gazed down into my eyes, his smirk telling me he was remembering the same thing.

I heard Barb, Marilyn’s mum, muttering to someone in the front row and smiled brightly. “You can almost see Cupid fluttering his wings above their heads…”

Twiggy turned to the side a little, looking at Trent Renzor standing a little behind Marilyn. “Best man, have you got the rings?”

“Yep.” He smiled as he held them up, proud to not have forgotten them like in rehersals.

“Thanks, mate.” Marilyn smiled appreciatively in the way one does to a mentor and turned back to me.

Twiggy straightened. “Right then. Do you, Shannon, take Marilyn to be your husband in sickness and in health, and not be with anybody else for as long as you live?”

“I do.” I smiled as Marilyn slipped the wedding band onto my finger as Twiggy spoke up again.

“And do you, Marilyn…or Brian…whichever… take Shannon to be your wife in sickness and in health, and not be with anybody else for as long as you live?”

“I do.” He smirked down at me as I slipped his wedding band into place.

“There you are.” Twiggy grinned stupidly. “How lovely. I now declare you man and stunning wife!” he leant forward slightly. “You may now kiss the bride.” Marilyn kissed me passionately and a cheer rose up from the congregation of loved ones there for us. Twiggy chuckled as we pulled apart. “Poor girl.” He chuckled jokingly and a few people laughed with him. “Right! Now for the fun part! See you all at the reception!”


Marilyn were danced off our feet as we slipped into our room at home, but we weren’t tired at all. As soon as the bedroom door shut he pulled me to him, kissing me in a sinfully sweet manner that made my knees weak and should be termed illegal! God I loved kissing this man…I would never tire of this. We backed towards the bed, pulling desperately at restrictive clothing. We were meant to be finishing packing for our flight to Italy, but right now we could care less. We were married…finally! We were blissfully happy in each others embrace as we tumbled onto the bed.

A sudden cough emanating from the doorway made us both jump apart instantly. “I thought you said you were packing.” My mother smirked from the doorway.

I shrugged, my own smirk forming. “It would’ve been a type of packing.”

“You’ll plenty of time, and then some, for that once you’re there.” She looked past me at Marilyn. “Surely you could wait a few more hours before deflowering my daughter…son-in-law…probably best to do that where no relatives can hear you.” She winked at him and I heard him laugh.

“Okay, packing it is.” He agreed with a chuckle. “No promising there won’t be any overlap in definitions though.”

My mother rolled her eyes and, smiling at me, nodded in approval of my chosen life partner as she closed the door again and left us to our own devices.

Marilyn pulled two bags out of the closet and winked at me. “See, packing early has its benefits.” He murmured as he left the bags and came over to me again, kissing me deeply.

“I see that now.” I smirked as he kissed me again. “Do we have time to make up for not seeing each other last night?”

He lifted me into his arms and carried me, bridal style, to the bed, smiling wickedly. “What do you think?” and we lost ourselves in each other.


Sweet huh? That's not quite the end either...hehehe ;D

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