Running to the Edge of the World...

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Chapter 24 – Running to the Edge of the World…

It was the last song of the last show of the tour…and then he and Abigail could go back home…could go see Shannon. Marilyn missed her so much. He hated that their daughter only had memories of her mother as an unconscious woman in a hospital bed…but the show must go on…

Marilyn stepped out on stage once more for the final song of the show. “This song… is the song that can tell all you motherfuckers how I got to be right here right now!” he screamed into the microphone. His eyes closed as the crowd cheered. “Without the tragic events that occurred one year ago… this record wouldn’t have come about…so, this song, is for my beloved wife and daughter…” the crowd cheered again as tears began to form in his eyes. “It’s called ‘No Reflection’. This is for you!”

The song began and, oh, did Marilyn perform. He poured his heart and soul into this final performance, loving how each and every fan here tonight could feel this with him. They could feel his love, his heartbreak, his hope…

As the song wound to a close, Marilyn saw his manager waving frantically at him from the side of the stage, a phone in his hand and Marilyn’s nine months old baby girl in his other arm. Marilyn finished the song and held out a hand to the crowds as they cheered and screamed. He ran to the side of the stage, the worry making him sick to his stomach.

“Well?” Marilyn asked frantically as he took his little Abigail from his manager.

“The hospital just called…she’s just woken up…” his manager panted, obviously having run to get the message to him.

Marilyn smiled, smiling at his little girl. “Mummy’s awake, Abigail!” he smiled as Abigail did and clapped her hands happily. “Okay, one last thing…” he stepped back out on stage with Abigail in his arms. “I just got the call that…” he paused and the whole stadium went silent, expecting the worst. “She’s awake!” Marilyn grinned and the crowd cheered and then went ‘aww’ as Abigail covered her ears at the loud noise. “You’ve been an amazing crowd! My lucky charms! Keep rocking, goodnight!”

Marilyn came off stage and Twiggy hugged him. “That’s great man.” He tapped Abigail’s nose and she giggled. “We’re not that far…I’ll give you guys a lift.”

“Thanks, Twiggy.” Marilyn embraced his friend and then dashed out to the cars; speeding away, Marilyn’s thoughts became anxious again. ‘Please be alright…please!’


{Shannon’s POV}

I looked about myself, unsure of anything. The last thing I remembered was…I frowned…I couldn’t remember what I last remembered. I pulled my legs up against my chest, wrapping my arms about myself as I began to cry. I was twenty four years old and my name was Shannon Leigh Leonard the doctors had told me. I was married to a famous rock star and I had a nine month old little girl I’d given birth to whilst I’d been in my coma. I’d had a whole life…and I couldn’t remember any of it…and so I cried.

I could remember what things were and what they did. But my life…who I was…nothing.

I heard footsteps and wiped my eyes. I looked up as a handsome man holding a little girl stopped at my doorway. Was this my husband? And…my baby? He approached me hesitantly and I bit my lip nervously.

“Shannon?” he smiled hopefully at me. His smiled faltered a little when I said nothing. “Are you okay, love?” he turned as a doctor came in behind him. “Doctor…what’s that matter?”

“Your wife is suffering from amnesia…” the doctor looked at me sadly. “”I believe it is as a result of her heart giving out for a short time during the birth of your daughter, mister Manson. We’ve yet to determine if it’s temporary…” he sighed. “But, she’s awake, she’s healthy, and she’s making new memories just fine…” his pager buzzed and he placed a hand comfortingly on my husband’s shoulder. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

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