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So, as promised! Another chapter for you guys ;)


Chapter 16: Evidence

The cold wind bit viciously into my skin, causing me to shiver violently and my to teeth chatter. Somehow the wind had found a way to blow itself through my layers of clothing and press itself against my bare skin. The result was me clinging to Marilyn for dear life, in our attempt to escape the snowstorm, as a source of warmth as we made our way to his house.

He held me close all the way to the front door, and pulled me quickly inside and away from the freezing weather. We left our coats and shoes near the door and he guided me towards the heaters in his lounge room; and all I could think of was that I’d left my sisters by themselves at my house... ‘Please let the place be still standing when I get home tomorrow!’

He stood me in front of the large heaters in the room and held me close, rubbing my back in the hope that the friction would warm me. But, after several minutes of that doing nothing he pulled away from me and looked down at me, smiling gently.

“Wait here.” He said, and then wondered off into the next room – in which I could see a rather large bed.

Shortly after he vanished into the other room, I heard the sound of running water. The sound continued for some time, but I was more interested on being as close to the heater in front of me as was possible. I removed my jumper, cardigan and sweater, and placed them on the nearest lounge before returning to the heater. Its warmth began to penetrate my frozen body. I became so wrapped up in the glorious feeling of beginning to be warm again, that I didn’t hear Marilyn turn off the water or walk up behind me.

I jumped slightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, at which he chuckled slightly, before I leant my head back against his shoulder in contentment.

“Memo to self,” I murmured just loud enough for him to hear. “I hate snow.”

He laughed quietly at me for a moment before turning me around and guiding me towards the room he’d previously disappeared into. “Come with me…” Marilyn smiled as he continued to pull me along.

I glanced at the bed as we went past it and then walked into his adjoining bathroom… it was filled with steam… Steam which was emanating from…a bath!

I knew my mouth was open, and I knew I should close it…but I couldn’t seem to remember how. Marilyn and I had been together for nearly a year now, yes. But we’d only kissed, and at the most used our hands… It wasn’t like I didn’t want to be with him ‘that way’, it was just that…well…I was still a virgin…and I was a little frightened of the concept of sex…I still wanted him that way though. But, I didn’t know if I could do what he was suggesting – if my assumptions were correct…

“You look like you’re in shock…” Marilyn smirked as I finally remembered how to shut my mouth again. “I thought it might help you to warm up quicker.”

“Thankyou… I… I…”

“It’s alright to be nervous you know… everyone is the first few times.” He whispered gently and smiled at me reassuringly. “You hop in,I’ll go make us some tea.”

“Oh…okay…” I replied, a little shocked at how disappointed my own voice sounded, but more shocked at the notion of Marilyn Manson making tea.

“I can stay if you’d like…” his smile turned into a wicked grin and I flushed a dark shade of scarlet. “I thought so,” he continued, kissing my forehead. “Give me a shout if you need me.”

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