Personal Jesus

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Chapter 17: Personal Jesus

I felt gentle fingers brush against my cheek and I leant into the tender caress. I was awake, but I wasn’t ready to leave the bliss filled bubble that had formed around me after last night. Marilyn, however, had other ideas.

“Darling, it’s time to wake up… it’s five o’clock… in the afternoon.” He murmured softly and kissed my forehead.

I groaned and pulled the sheets up over my head childishly, and he chuckled. For a moment, I thought I’d won…until the sheets were ripped violently away from my body.

“Marilyn!” I cried out in protest, fumbling to cover myself as much as was possible.

He caught my wrists and pushed me back down onto the bed, his lower abdomen effectively pinning me in place as he cast his eyes up and down my naked body, smirking. “Now there’s quite a sight.” He began and leant down to trail his lips along my jaw line to my ear. “A feast fit for a king.”

I felt myself blush, but couldn’t help asking, “You’re planning on eating me?”

“Devouring you, my dear, would be a more appropriate description.” He murmured and grazed his sharp teeth along the tender flesh of my neck, applying just enough pressure to make me gasp and lean into him more fervently. He chuckled darkly, “You seem to like that…”

“Slight-” I gasped as his mouth actually closed down against my throat, moaning he sank his teeth into my neck, not hard…but not exactly gentle either. And I liked it. I whimpered softly as he withdrew his teeth and began kissing up my neck. “Marilyn…”

He chuckled darkly. “Something tells me you want me to keep going.” Unable to form coherent words as a result of his actions, I merely nodded and moaned my approval of the suggestion. He laughed quietly for a moment. “My next sentence will change your mind.”

“Then don’t say it…” I whispered, but I knew it wouldn’t stop what was coming.

“Your sisters are still at your house… and I got a message from Twiggy about five minutes before you woke up…he’s there too.” Marilyn laughed outwardly now as my eyes flew open properly and I scrambled to find my clothes. “Why the rush?”

“I know how Twiggy thinks and, whilst I love him to death…he shouldn’t be left alone with my young and impressionable sisters!” I replied as I reefed my jeans, bra and shirt on, not bothering with my knickers, mainly because I couldn’t find them, and ran my fingers through my hair to get rid of the hot sex look…however appealing it might look on me. I stopped when I heard my phone ring. “That’s Ash’s ringtone!” I felt a slight feeling of anxiety tip-toe its way across my heart. She only called when she needed my help, unlike me who called her just to make sure she’d eaten lunch! “Where’s my bloody phone?!” Marilyn and I threw spare clothes, pillows and cushions everywhere.

My head snapped towards Marilyn as I heard him answer my phone. “Hello? Yeah, it is…Hang on girl, slow down. Start again…okay…tell Twiggy to stay inside with you guys and we’ll be there as fast as we can, okay?...Yep, lock the doors, bar the windows, do whatever you two need to do to feel safe. We’re on our way.”

He handed me my phone as he grabbed his coat and keys. “What’s going on? Marilyn!” I could hear the hysteria in my voice but I didn’t care. I already knew what had happened. “Please! What did she say?!”

Marilyn took my hand in his and pulled me out the door and into his car. “It’s your dad…” he growled angrily, and I froze. “He’s found you.”


Marilyn had called Johnny, Pogo and Ginger whilst I’d sat, terrified for my sisters safety, in the passenger seat beside him; they were pulling up outside my house just as Marilyn and I did. I heard my dad at the same time as I saw him. He was standing on the steps below my front door, yelling abuse and threats at my sisters who I could see peeking down from my second-story bedroom window…with Twiggy hugging them.

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