A ride to heaven

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“Where is your adobe?” He asked quietly.

“One, if you’re going to talk like a teacher, don’t talk at all, two you have to guess.” I smiled.

“Well, I am a teacher, and I would like to know where your home is.”

“Mr. Blue, you’re a teacher during the six hours us students our there when you leave at your age, which I’m guessing you are 22 or 24, because you are 18 when you start college and its four years if you don’t go full out, but you don’t look any older than 23, so I’m guessing your 22.” I smiled. He just sat there in awe, almost as if he couldn’t believe it. “I’m also guessing you just turned 22, which means you were one of the youngest in your class, making you 17 when you got done high school.” I smiled.

“How do you know all of that? I mean my age is noticeable but you knew four years of college was normal unless you wanted to master in teaching which would take two more, so you guess 24 for my age, I only went for two years, and you knew because of how young I looked that I couldn’t be more than 24, but how did you know that I just turned 22?” He asked.

“One I’m good at math two on your desk you have a huge calendar and you circled a date which was about a week  before school started so I guess took a crazy guess and said that was your birthday. By your reaction I am guessing I’m right.” I loved mind tricking people, and I was surprised he acted so surprised.

“Oh, so you always know what’s around you, is that what you’re saying?”He smiled slyly.

“Um…..yeah…..”  I said back a little nervously.

“So do you know where we are?”

“Duh, Hessian Ave.”

“What’s on the right side of Hessian?”

“A donut shop, why?”

“Good, so you got that question right, now one last question where do you live?” He asked.

“Not telling you. Just drop me off three streets down at the field.”

“Why the field? Is it close to your house?”

“It’s not too close, but not too far, and no one ever goes there. It’s someplace everyone tends to stay away from, my parent’s never know I’m there, hell half the time my parents don’t even care.” I sighed, “Just drop me off there.”

“Fine…” He said almost hesitant. He went down  a couple of streets and stopped at the empty abandoned field. “Is this like your get away place? Your escape?”

“It’s my heaven in my hell. It’s empty and abandoned and alone just like me. The only other thing that is here is a cat, he is my cat, I named him Diablo.” I smiled.  “He’s all black and has eyes as red as fire.” I was blabbering, without any reason I was explaining. I didn’t know why. I was just talking, I guess it was because Mr. Blue gave me a reason to feel safe, to talk, he was the only other thing that made me happy, and I’d only known him for a couple of hours.

“What a strange name for a cat if you call the field your heaven away from hell.” He smiled.

“Because I like making things ironic, take my name it’s Angel, but in my whole life I have done nothing to be an Angel and I don’t want to.”

“No Angel you are an angel, angels are beautiful and that you are, you are very beautiful.” He smiled looking right at me.

“Thank you Mr. Blue.” I smiled back, and I could feel myself blushing. I opened the door to get out but Mr. Blue grabbed my wrist again and pulled me around to face him, his full lips crushed into mine and he kissed me! I couldn’t help but kiss back. His lips felt so right on my, his lips tasted sweet and sour hot but cool, sugary but spicy. It was everything I ever wanted in a kiss, it was that little spark, I felt a spark, and I didn’t know if he felt it too, but all I know was I felt like I belonged there. I felt like our kiss meant something, but it soon hit me that he was my teacher, my very sexy teacher, but my teacher none the less. I pulled away, only because I didn’t want him to get fired if someone saw this.

“I’m sorry….” He muttered.

“Don’t be, and thanks for the ride.” I said as I got out of the car and walked into the field.

Mr. Blue You Are My Angel (Student/Teacher) being edited!!Where stories live. Discover now