The Difference

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When I walked in my mother was awake, for once. She looked up right when I walked in.

“Where have you been?” She asked harshly.

“Out.” I said with an elongated sigh. I hated having to explain myself, even though she didn’t need to know where I was, and I wasn’t going to tell her.

“Where?!” She hissed.

“I told you out!” I yelled back.

“I want to know where you were!” She yelled getting off of the couch, and getting in my face.

“If you weren’t fucking high all the fucking time maybe I would fucking tell you! Now, leave me the hell alone and go find some way of getting your next damn high, and stop trying to me the mother you never where or will be!” I spat in her face and stormed up to my room, I pushed past my dad on the way up.

I was so pissed; I couldn’t explain everything I was feeling. The one time she tried to reach out I pushed her away. I felt bad about it yeah, but she was never there for me, for once I stuck up for myself. I couldn’t believe I had.

I slammed my door when I got into my room, and locked it behind me.  I swear I could have punched something, anything, but I kept my cool. I always hated living with my parents, but there was no other family. I think I’d rather be homeless then live with these abominations. They are the scum of the earth, yet what does that make me? Am I scum of the earth too? Was I am abomination? I didn’t think I was, but whatever happened to the saying ‘The apple never falls far from the tree.’ Was I going to not fall far? Or was I going to be picked up by a sparrow and taken half way across the world, and be nothing like them?

I was hoping, no! I was praying a sparrow would take me away, and I think that sparrow might just be myself. I might be the one to pick myself and fly away with myself! I might be the one who make a difference, no, the difference. I would make the difference, I wouldn’t be a drug addicted, I wouldn’t be a dead-beat, and I wouldn’t be anything like my parents. I wouldn’t let myself become anything like them. I couldn’t let myself become anything like them, I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t.

I crawled over to my bed, and just laid down, thinking, staring, falling into a sleeping daze. I finally gave in and closed my eyes and the last thing I remember thinking is, I wouldn’t be like them, I would be The Difference.  

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