My eyes finally open

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Jeremy came to visit me every day. I could hear him; the pleading in his voice, all I knew was I loved him, more than anything. I wanted to wake up. I wanted him.

The days for me were going by so slowly, but I knew tomorrow was the day. I couldn’t let them do this. I needed to open my eyes, yet when I demanded they failed. My brain was working just fine, and I could feel and hear everything around me. I just couldn’t get my damn eyes to open up. The thing that was most important.

Friday came by so quickly, today was Friday. The day they were going to take away my life support.

“Babe,” He pleaded. “Wake up please, show me a sign, anything showing that you’re still alive.” He pleaded. “Something that will make them change their minds. Please!” He pleaded and grabbed my hand and I squeezed his hand. Yes! I thought Now flutter your eyes! Do it! I commanded my brain.

I felt my eyes flutter and I saw Jeremy! I saw him!

“Angel!” He screamed. I tried to speak but no words would form. A nurse came running in and with a gasp she stopped at the threshold.

“Sh….Sh….She’s awake.” She stammered. “I….I….I can’t believe it. She’s awake!” She screamed and ran for the doctor.

A middle-aged woman walked into the room. “Oh, my.” She gasped.

I coughed. “What?” I asked and my voice came out shaky like. It was barely audible.

“You’ve survived.” She whispered.

“Yeah, I can see that.” I muttered ungratefully.  

“You’re very lucky young lady.” The nurse smiled.

“That’s what you say,” I whispered.

I heard to people stomp into the room and stop at the end of my bed with a hiss.

“Hello, Angel.” My mother said sharply.  I bite the inside of my lip. “You were supposed to die!” She hissed loudly.

“Well, she didn’t!” Jeremy hissed back at her.

“Who are you?!” My mother said getting in her face.

“We’ve already been over this!” He spat back.

“Angel, how much did you pay him?” She looked me dead in the eye. I felt myself shrink in my hospital bed.

“She didn’t pay me anything!” He yelled.

“Jeremy.” I muttered.

“Yes, Angel.” He said and ran to my side.

“Get them out, I don’t want them here, and I don’t want to live with them.” I murmured.

“Out! She doesn’t want you here, oh and we’ll be picking her stuff up as soon as she is released from the hospital.” Jeremy smiled deviously.

“Fine!” My mother yelled. “We don’t want you anyway!” She said and stormed out with my father following like a puppy.

“Where am I going to stay?” I asked.

“With me.” He smiled.


“But nothing, I’m going to leave earlier in the morning so people don’t suspect anything.” He smiled.

“Thanks, babe. I love you.” I said and kissed him as hard as I could.

“You’re welcome.” He kissed back.

A nurse walked in and coughed. “Angel you may leave now. I just need you to sign some papers and your clothes are in a bag underneath of the bed.” She smiled and walked out.

Jeremy turned the other way as I got changed into the same clothes I wore the day I tried to comment suicide. I walked out into the hall and signed my release papers, and I was free.

Jeremy and I walked out of the hospital hand in hand, which surprised me. He was holding my hand out in public. I smiled softly.

Mr. Blue You Are My Angel (Student/Teacher) being edited!!Where stories live. Discover now