I got in a fight and my punishment was a kiss?

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No dream followed the darkness of my slumber, but I awake refreshed for once. It was a weird feeling. My lips still tingled from Mr. Blue’s kiss. I still couldn’t believe he had kissed me. I couldn’t believe any of this actually. He was the only one who knew and yet he stayed around to help, he cared.

I slipped out of my bed and put on a brown tank top with a brown jacket thrown over it and a pair of black skinny jeans. I got done my morning routine rather fast. I walked out of my room and down the stairs and put my shoes on and walked out of the door with my bags.

Today I was feeling weak, more than weak, I was feeling vulnerable. Weak was one thing vulnerable was another, weak I could handle, vulnerable I couldn’t handle. I don’t really know how to explain. The only way I can is when I feel weak I cut when I feel vulnerable, well let’s just say I ended up in the hospital. Still my parents don’t even care. It’s funny because I cut for their attention but I know I’m not going to get it so it’s how I cope with everything going on in my life.

My bus was running late and I got to school late. Like I even cared, school didn’t mean anything to me.

When I walked into my first period class a girl who worked with me at one of my after school jobs came up to me. “Hey Bella.”

“Angel I’m sorry to tell you, but we had to let you last night, I left you a message on your phone but you didn’t pick up, so I wanted to let you know so you don’t come to work after school.”

“Oh, ok.” I frowned as she walked away.

A-freaking-mazing I lost my damn job. What else could happen?  I thought to myself as the bell rang for second period Science.

I walked into my class and sat down in the back. The teacher droned on about the Periodic Table of Elements, as if I cared.

The bell rang for lunch, finally after forty-five minutes of nothing but boring Mrs. Core.

I got my lunch from the lunch line and started walking back to my table, but Shelby stopped me.

“Hey freak.” She smiled.

“Hey plastic,” I said trying to walk around her but she kept walking in my way.  

“Aw are you trying to go somewhere?” She asked.

“Yeah, now move out of my damn way.” My patience was wearing thin, so I pushed her out of my way.

“Where the hell do you think your going?!” She said grabbing my tray and throwing me down on the ground.

I wasn’t one for being told what to do, I also wasn’t one to push/ thrown around. I got right back up and grabbed the closest tray with food on it and threw it on her shirt.

She screamed out in pure anger, it made me laugh. She grabbed a tray and poured it on my head.

“What the hell is your problem?! Are you afraid of me?! Do I scare you?! Or is it the fact that you don’t have the right kind of life at home?! Maybe it’s that you’re too afraid to tell your parents the truth?! That you like girls!” I hissed and Shelby had me on the ground within seconds pounding on me.

No teachers ever stopped fights, we never even got in trouble for fights. Someone though, this time, stopped the fight.

It was Mr. Blue. Wow how clichéd, what am I damsel in distress? He came over and grabbed me by my wrist, I almost yelped in pain. What the hell, is that the only place he can grab, and what the hell? I guess I was really the damsel in distress, he was trying to be my prince right now.

He dragged me all the way back to his classroom.

“What are we doing in your classroom and why did you stop the-” I was cut off,  I was pulled close, and I was brought into an amazing kiss.

His lips, god his lips. I couldn’t explain anything more incredible. He pulled me closer and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and have my fingers tangle in his brown wavy hair, as he grabbed my hips. His kiss couldn’t feel anymore right, and I loved how forbidden it felt, but why had he chosen to kiss me? In the car? Now? Why me? He was a hot teacher and every girl in school was falling for him, why did he chose me? Was it because he felt bad for me? I didn’t care…. I just loved how everything felt so right when I was with him.

The bell rang, which meant lunch was over.

He pulled back, but kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “That kiss in the car was no mistake, and I want to give another ride home or to the field after school.” I smiled and walked away with a wink.

I walked into my fourth period class which was math, all I could think during math and study hall was I can’t wait to get to Mr. Blue’s class.

The bell after study hall rang for sixth period, Mr. Blue’s class. I smiled to myself and walked down the hall.

Mr. Blue You Are My Angel (Student/Teacher) being edited!!Where stories live. Discover now