Everything Changes

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I woke up the next morning, and my body, it felt different, well, not so much my body as I felt different. I didn’t know if it was good or bad, all I knew was I didn’t want to get up. I knew I could stay home, because dad never cared, and mom, she’d be whoring around.

I just laid in my bed, I didn’t know what to do, how to be different, all I knew was I was trying to be my sparrow. The one who would come and save me, the one for freedom, the one that could get me out of hell for good! 

I figured the only way to be different was to make a small step and get out of bed first; you couldn’t be different if you didn’t start, so I slowly got out of my bed.

I walked over to my closest and grabbed gray skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides tank top. Pulling a jacket on I walked into the bathroom and started getting ready. I did my hair, makeup, and finally after everything I walked over and put my DC’s on. I grabbed my bag and went to walk out my door but I sat on my bed for a couple of minutes and looked at the cuts in my skin. The things that were a constant reminder of the hell I was going through.

I finally got up and walked out of the house without so much as a glance over to where my house-mates, oh yeah sorry, I mean parent’s would be sitting.

I got to my bus stop and started blaring my music. My escape I smiled to myself.

My bus pulled up and I walked onto the bus and to the back. I rolled my sleeve up as I sat down and I rubbed my index finger across the cuts. 15 I counted up to in my mind.

I got to school about twenty minutes later. A girl named Penny came up to me she worked at my second job with me. “You’ve been fired, because well no one likes you, and I’m the manager so boo-woo for you I guess.” She smiled and walked away.

I slammed my head into my locker. “Fuck.” I drug the word out. The bell for homeroom rang and I just sat on the floor in front of my locker. Thoughts were rolling through my mind, bad ones mostly.

No money, no house, I’ll have to sell myself, we need money. Fuck, this is horrible I won’t be able to find a new job soon enough to get this month’s rent paid, I’m so fucking screwed. What the hell am I going to do?! I began to cry, this was bull shit, I couldn’t live like this. Life was hard the two jobs were just barely paying for everything, and I hardly ever had anything to eat, because there wasn’t money left for it.

I grabbed the blade out of my pocket, yeah right in the middle of the hall way, and I cut across my wrist a couple times. Then I looked at the huge vein that ran through my arm. Don’t do it Angel The angel in my hand warned, Do it, you know you have nothing to live for, this thing between you and Jeremy won’t last long either and you know it, why stay living in hell and pain everyday when you can just get it over with right here right now? The devil in my head persuaded me.

I ran the cold sharp blade down the middle of my wrist. My skin spilt and I could feel the blood rushing out it. I let out a sick and twisted laugh, and I saw Jeremy walking down the hallway for me.

“Angel!” He screamed and I could see tears escape from his eyes. He pulled out his cell phone and called someone. I could barely hear what he was saying because I was beginning to black out, the last things I said were “I love you Jeremy.” And I could hear him say it back. The darkness consumed me, and I felt at peace.

Mr. Blue You Are My Angel (Student/Teacher) being edited!!Where stories live. Discover now