Angelic ways start

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Being as though I had to stay late for school to talk to Mr. Blue, I missed my bus. I didn’t want to go home so I just sat outside of the school looking at the ground and my wrist. Mr. Blue walked out, just my damn luck….  I thought to myself.

“Angel.” He said.

“What the hell do you want!?” I said back.

“I want to help you; I want to know why you do that to yourself. You are a very beautiful young woman, why would you ever put a blade to your wrist?” He was so blunt about it, he wasn’t like why would you ever hurt yourself he was just straight up like “why would you ever put a blade to your wrist?” I swear sometimes people can be manger assholes.

“You want to know why?!” I yelled back. He just nodded. “Because I have a drug addicted mom and a dead-beat-dad! I wake up every morning hoping to die! You don’t understand what it’s like! I have no friends; I take care of myself and my family! I have to work two jobs and go to school! And the worst part of it all is, I’m not dead.” I was fighting tears and I knew they would be coming soon.

Mr. Blue looked taken back, like he wasn’t able to say anything, like he couldn’t process what I said, almost as if he wished he didn’t ask. I pulled my sleeve down and got up off of the pavement and started walking away.

He grabbed my wrist. “Is that all you can do?! Grab my damn wrist? As if I don’t know the cuts are there! As if I even think before I do it! It’s like you’re trying to piss me off! It’s like you’re trying to be an devil bastard! It’s like you want to care but you don’t!” I screamed. I couldn’t take it tears flooded out of my eyes, and I hated being weak, I hated showing any emotion, but I hated it right now because it was someone who knew.

“Angel, I do care.” He muttered.

“You only care because you have to.” I hissed back.

“No, I don’t have to care, I chose to. Do you need a ride home.” He asked calmly.

“I don’t want to go home.” I muttered back.

“Do you need a ride somewhere then?” He was almost whispering, he was talking to be like you talk to a scared child.

“I’m not a child, don’t talk to me like one.” I said and inhaled deeply.

“I’m not talking to you like a child I am asking a question.” His voice went back to normal.

“But you were talking to me like a child, the way you were talking to was the way someone talks to a five year old who just had a bad dream.” I said. “I don’t need a ride.”

“Are you always so difficult?” He asked as I had started walking away.

“Always.” I smiled.

“I hope you know I like a challenge.” He winked at me.

“My house is five miles away, I guess I could use a ride.” I smiled back. It was a real smile. One that wasn’t forced one that came on my face by surprise, but I liked it.

“Good, this way.” He said and I followed him to a yellow mustang with black pin striping.

“No….way! This is my car!” I yelped.

“You have the same one?” He asked.

“No, it the car I want.” I smiled. He unlocked the doors and opened mine up and when I got in closed it for me. “Thanks I smiled.” As he walked to the driver side and slide in, he started the car up, and off we went to where ever he felt like, because I wasn’t going to tell him where my house was.

Mr. Blue You Are My Angel (Student/Teacher) being edited!!Where stories live. Discover now