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It's been a little over 2 weeks since I finalized my contract with fuckboy Payne. I've met the rest of the dancers and have been getting taught the routines to his songs. All of his music has really dope beats and the choreographer did a good job at making sure the dances are just as on point.

Today was Thursday and I had a morning rehearsal with just the choreographer and Liam. Apparently he wants me to be his lead for all the partner dances because I'm 'the perfect height' but I know it's just an excuse for him to feel me up.

I felt kind of weird about it at first, seeing as though I'm just starting where as some of them have been dancing for him since his career first took off. Most of them seemed to not care except for a couple of girls, one of them being named Arielle. I felt like she didn't like me from the start but I honestly could care less. It's not my fault Liam won't let her suck his dick.

Brushing off the thought of her, I looked through my fitness drawer for something to wear for rehearsal. Deciding on a pair of plain black spandex shorts and a old sports bra from cheer. I threw the one I was wearing onto my perfectly made bed before sliding the hot pink fabric over my bare chest followed by slipping my freshly moisturized legs into the shorts. Once I slid my socked feet into a pair of light shoes, I zipped a sweatshirt over the sports bra and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast.

I wasn't surprised to see a note on the fridge from Lauren saying that she was with Zayn. Those two have been so attached to one another that I barely even see her anymore. If I was graced with her presence in the house, she was either cuddled on the couch with Z or locked away in her room with him. Not that I was kind of jealous, but I was kind of jealous.

There wasn't much room for me to talk though, with having a tight schedule now due to Liam. He has a few festivals coming up in a couple weeks and it was crucial for me to have everything down pat. This is going to be some of my first professional gigs and I wanted them to be perfect.

Speaking of my schedule, I made a mental note to ask about when my costume fitting is as I munched on a bowl of granola and yogurt. I hadn't noticed how spaced out I was until I came back to, realizing I've eaten almost all of it.

Glancing at the time on my phone I decided it was about time for me to get going. LA traffic is complete shit in the morning and I didn't have time to hear Liam's big mouth. After rinsing my bowl out, I grabbed my necessities and headed out.


I hum to myself, clicking my doors locked on the small remote on my key chain. The sun was beaming down on me as I walked out of the parking garage to the entrance of the dance studio. I thought today was going to be a good day. Keyword: thought.

The smile on my face melted into a sour pout as I caught sight of Liam who had some girl pinned up against an expensive sports car as she sucked at his neck. He must've felt me watching because before I knew it, his eyes locked with mine. A smug smirk was on his lips and one of his eyebrows were quirked up.

A sick feeling instantly crept into my stomach. Letting out a scoff with the roll of my eyes, I walked into the building. The cool air conditioning felt like heaven on my flustered skin. I wasn't sure if I was more angry or disgusted. Like honestly, who even does that? He makes me so aggravated to where I just want to punch him in his overrated, egotistical, annoying face.

"Whoa, down girl." Sean snapped me out of my angry trance as he grabbed a hold of my shoulders. "What's got you so riled up?"

"Nothing," I shake him off, walking over to the far corner of the room.

I make sure my phone is turned off before sliding it into my backpack and placing it on the floor. Just as I unzip my sweater, Liam waltz in still grinning like the idiot that he is. Deciding to not say anything in case I say something reckless, I toss my jacket on top of of my bag before going to stand in front of the big mirror.

Pulling my right arm across my chest, I count to thirty, rolling my neck in the process. As I do so I can see Liam in the mirror discarding his extra layers until he's in just a tank top and a pair of sweatpants. I hated myself for letting my eyes travel over his toned, tan arms as they flex with every movement he made.

I continue on with my stretches and glaring at him through the mirror as his figure walks closer to mine. He doesn't stand beside me though, standing a few steps behind me to my left. His eyes are glued to himself in the mirror but I know he can see me burning holes through his reflection.

Spreading my legs apart, I bend down, stretching my back and my legs. I caught sight of him again between my thighs as he made no effort in hiding the fact that he was staring at me like some sex mannequin.

"Good morning to you too." He bit his lip as his head slightly leaned to the side.

"You're such a fucking pig." I scoff, sliding down into the splits. The pull in my thigh muscles making me sigh out.

His eyes were literally turning black at this point. He looked like he'd been starving for months and I was the first meal he's laid eyes on in forever.

"You know you want this bacon, baby."

Stopping my movements, I turned around and looked at him in disbelief. "Honestly, can you get any more douchey? You act like an adolescent."

"I usually don't have to talk this much. You hear me knocking, so let me in." He held out his arms.

"No one's home." I got off the floor, turning back to the mirror.

Sean tried to stifle a laugh as he stood in front of us. "Okay, we're going to learn the steps to touch it for today and freak like me tomorrow. We'll do the faster tempos next week."


"Pop it, Normani!"

I gave it my all as we did our last run through of the day. Liam and I were both sweaty as we grind up against each other to the slow beat of his song coming from the speaker in the corner. He was now shirtless and I took every chance I could get at catching a glimpse of his sticky torso in the reflection of the mirror.

His breathing was felt on my neck as we entered the final pose of the choreo. My legs were wrapped around his waist as his strong arm held a tight grip on my thighs. The position was quite sexual but I had to remind myself that this was just work.

"The lights will start to go down right here." Sean snapped his fingers . "And slowly slide her down 1, 2, 3," His instructions came out to the beat of the music as he watched us intently.

Our eyes were locked on each other as he slowly slid me down his body. I was in a daze as the last few notes of the guitar faded out. Liam leaned further into my face when my feet touched the ground. My heartbeat was staggering with every centimeter that was lost between us as his lips neared mine.

"Whoa! That's some hot shit right there!" Sean loudly clapped his hands together, making Liam and I flinch away from each other.  "People are going to eat this routine up!"

"Um, good job." I awkwardly pushed Liam's arm. "You're not as bad as I thought you'd be."

He cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, uh, thanks."

"You two wanna run through it one last time or do you have it down?"

"No!" Liam quickly answered. "I mean...I really need to get going, sorry." He rushed, throwing his shirt back over his head.

I gave him a odd look as I grabbed my backpack, tying my sweatshirt around my waist.

"Bye," Liam was out the door without a second glance in my direction.

My face scrunched up in irritation. "Weirdo."

"Same time tomorrow!" Sean called to me as I walked towards the exit. I shot him a smile over my shoulder with a wave.

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