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Normani's POV

"Normani, get the hell up." A feminine voice broke through my dream. 

I groggily rolled over, trying to adjust my eyes to the slightly blurry person standing over me. "Lauren?"

"Um, no. It's Mackenzie, Lauren still hates you and we're still on the island." 

She snatches the blankets off of me and I immediately go to cover up my bare body only to see that I've somehow been clothed. 

"Whose clothes are you wearing?" Kenzie laughs, taking in my appearance as I climb out of the bed.

I look down at my legs that are now covered in blue plaid pajamas pants and my upper body drowned in a white long sleeve shirt. Could he not find my suitcase or what?

"Uh, these are Justin's." I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant even though I was lying straight through my teeth. "I brought them with me so I wouldn't miss him too much..." 

Kenzie eyed me as she sat on the bed with her legs crossed. "How...cute of you." 

I knew the wheels were turning in her mind, her eyes wondering the room for any evidence that she should point out. Mackenzie was so nosy and she took any chance she could get at calling people out on their shit, especially me for some reason. 

"So why are you here?" I scrunched up my face at her. "Actually, how the hell did you even get in here in the first place?"    

A smug smile took over her face as she held up a room key identical to mine. "Liam sent me up to get you." 

"For what - oh shit. I need to film!" Realization hits me and I begin to scramble for my outfit. Once I find the bathing suit I quickly change into it before turning my back to Kenzie so she can tie the top. 

"No need to panic." She laughed as her fingers worked the strings into a bow. "Boss man made sure to get as much done as possible without you before sending me up here. He obviously didn't want to wake his sleeping beauty."

Kenzie pats my back to indicate that she's done and I grab my shorts off the floor. My eyebrows furrowed as I slid them up my legs. "Can you like, not make assumptions all the time? That'd be great."

"Oh it's no assumptions. His exact words were 'Normani is resting so we'll need to work around her parts at the moment' if I'm remembering correctly." She over exaggerated his accent. 

I turned to the mirror to hide the smile on my face as I fluffed my hair out. I knew for a fact that this cute little persona isn't going to last forever but it still makes my heart flutter nonetheless. Better to bask in it then to dwell on what's bound to happen sooner or later.

"I see you over there cheesing, let's go." Mackenzie grabs my arm and tugs me out of the room as I laugh at her. She is honestly something else. 

We took the elevator down to the lobby then headed out into the tropical breeze. I don't think I could ever get over the fresh, relaxing feel of this place. It didn't smell like one big pollution dump and the sky wasn't being overshadowed by gigantic buildings. There was nothing but the sounds of the waves in the distance and Mackenzie nagging at me on my left.

"You two fucked didn't you?" She asks, making the elderly couple walking passed us give us disgusted looks.

My eyes went big as I nudged her to lower her voice. "Can you be any louder?"

"It's totally okay if you did." She ignores my request, continuing to run her huge mouth. "I knew that whole halfway boyfriend thing was going to flop. Justin is hot and all, but if I was in your shoes I would have rode the Payne train too."

"Ew, how about we don't call it that, like ever again." I give her a disgusted look. 

Mackenzie just shrugged it off. "So when are you going to break the bad news to Biebs? His diss track about you is going to be so fire." 

I couldn't help but to laugh at that. "There will be no diss track. Liam's mouth just made me realize that I don't want anything serious at the moment and I just need to let that be known to Justin." 

It's the only logical decision at this point. It's better than leading him on, or even worse, cheating if we make it official because I know for fact I'll end up under Liam once again. I'd rather just save all the theatrics and be straight forward about it.

"His mouth?! Oh I bet his tongue works wonders." Mackenzie nearly moaned out with her hand over her heart.

"I haven't busted a nut that hard since my junior year of college." I mumbled, waving to the crew hanging out by the trailer we were passing. 

Kenzie and I both laughed as we stepped onto set. Everyone was lounging around talking to one another or practicing the steps off to the side. I spotted Liam chatting with a couple of the guy dancers near one of the big cameras. 

His arms were crossed over his chest making his tanned biceps flex deliciously. The smile on his face made his somewhat chubby cheeks raise and his eyes squint. He looked so adorable but hot at the same time. I didn't know if I wanted to walk over and squish him or drop to my knees and suck him dry. 

"Well would you look at this." The annoying voice that I've come to know as Arielle's is heard. "Little miss crybaby has risen from the dead. Did I upset the poor little munchkin?" She mocked a baby voice with her thin lips dramatically pouted out.

"Shut the fuck up and go find something to do. You're not needed on the set anymore." Liam dismissed her, propping his arm around my shoulder. 

I covered my mouth with my hand as he coolly turned to leave her looking stupid. The people that were stood around us allowing light snickers to leave their lips at the look of her paled expression. I usually don't like others to fight my battles, but I had to make an exception this one time.

"You good, baby?" Liam lightly asks, his lips brushing against my temple.

"Mhm," I respond in a daze as I stare up at him. This protective but sweet side of him was doing things to me. 

He chuckled at my obvious swooning. "Let's get these shots done, yeah?" 


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