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I woke up the next morning feeling like complete shit. My head was pounding and I felt overly dehydrated. I haven't had a hangover like this since grad night during college.

The smell of bacon coming from downstairs is what encouraged me to get out of bed. Lauren makes the best breakfast ever. Her cinnamon pancakes are to die for and my mouth was watering at the thought of them as I made my way to the kitchen.

Long and behold Lauren was finishing putting the eggs onto the two completely full plates on the counter whilst singing Sam Smith. Oh how I love my best friend. She always pulls through right when you need her the most.

"Good morning homewrecker." She smiled at me as she handed me my food. "You were honestly something else last night. I swear 17 year old Normani resurrected in that club."

"I hope she doesn't return ever again." I mumbled, taking a bite of my sausage. Lauren poured us both a glass of orange juice before joining me at the table.

"Who even was that guy? I wasn't able to get a good look at him."

I shrug my shoulders, taking a sip of my drink. "I have no idea honestly and even if I did see his face I probably wouldn't have been able to remember it. Did you get any action last night?"

When she didn't respond I looked up from my food to see her smiling at her phone like an idiot. Noticing the sudden quietness, she conceals her fondness as she throws me a questioning glance.

"Wait, what did you say?" The overly excited glint in her eyes made me feel skeptical. I really hope she didn't find another one of those losers she seems to always go after. It's like she has 'fuck me over' written on her forehead or something.

"I asked what you got up to last night..."

"Oh, me? I danced a bit, got Zayn's number, met a few cool people. Nothing really extravagant." She took a bite of her food with a shrug of her shoulders.

I looked at her like she'd grown an extra head, nearly choking on my pancake. "Excuse the hell out of me! You did what?!"

"Yeah Dinah introduced me to this other dancer named Brittney." Lauren completely bypassed the question I was actually asking about.

"Lauren, you sneaky little slut. I want all the details, beginning to end, right now." I threateningly pointed my fork at her.

She excitedly shifts on her seat, sitting up straighter. "I got bored because you were dancing and Dinah was with her bae so I decided to go out on the little balcony to chill for a bit. Zayn was out there smoking and when he saw me he just sparked up a conversation. We literally sat and talked for a good hour or so."

"Who asked for the digits first? Please don't say you did because he'd probably get the wrong impression and think your like some lowkey groupie. I will fuck his pretty ass up if he thinks he's going to just hump and dump you. Cause you know I don't pla-"

"Chill out, Normani." Lauren cut me off. "He hasn't even did anything and you're ready to fight. I think he's such a sweetheart." She was literally across the table glowing.

I finished the last bite of my food, side eyeing her. "So that's all that happened? Yall talked and exchanged numbers?"

"Mhm," She simply answered as she starts to clean up the used dishes.

"I think you're lying, but okay."

She wasn't prancing around here cheesing like that just because of some 'wonderful conversation' with him. I'm almost certain they were out there on that balcony doing more than talking. Lauren is probably holding out on the details because she knows I'll just give her a speech about it. She should be lucky that she has a friend like me making sure she's not out here throwing her cat at everybody.

Deciding to not push the subject, I placed my glass in the sink and headed towards the stairs for my room.

"Hey!" I looked back thinking Lauren was talking to me. "Seriously, Zayn?! Yes I seen the picture!" She giggled as she flopped down onto the couch with her phone pressed to her ear.

"Zayn!" I childishly mocked her voice as I climbed the stairs.

Going straight to my bathroom, I start up the shower water and discarded my clothes into the hamper placed in the far corner. The hot water hitting my skin as I step into the steamy cubicle felt like heaven on earth. I stand there for a bit, staring off into space as the droplets relaxed my body. This was probably my second most favorite place to be after the dance studio.

After washing myself, I dry off and head to my dresser. The first pair of underwear I spotted was a pink cotton set so I threw it on then slid my robe over it. Our audition wasn't for a few more hours so this was fine to lounge in until then.

I come downstairs and kick my legs up on top of Lauren's. She was no longer on the phone with Zayn, watching a dating show instead.

"What were you and pretty boy talking about?" I aimlessly asked. She's probably just going to give me a watered down version again.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face. "Nothing really..." She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "Oh wait! He wanted me to tell you that he has a job for you if you're willing to take it. The pay is good and the schedule is really flexible apparently."

I sit up straight, crossing my legs. "If it's not dance related then he can keep it. That's the only reason we moved out here and I want to stick to my guns."

"It is dance related! One of his friends saw you dancing at the club and thought you were great! Zayn gave me his number if you want a bit more information about the job." She grabbed her phone off the coffee table as she also sat up.

My facial expression instantly showed distaste. "He didn't at least give you a name? How do I know this guy isn't some creep?"

"When have you ever seen Zayn Malik hanging around any creeps?" Lauren looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth. "He said it was a friend so I highly doubt it's anything sketchy. This could be a great opportunity, you never know."

"Mhm, I guess I'll give him a call. Text me the number."

She wasted no time in sending it over to my phone with a smug look on her face. I wanted to reach out my foot and kick her so badly but decided against it.

I pasted the number and pressed dial, getting up from the couch to walk over to the kitchen. The phone barely rung twice before the guy had picked up the call.

"Hello?" A smooth British accent came through the receiver, slightly throwing me off.

"Hi this is Normani, Zayn gave me your number?" The sentence came out as a question as all the confidence seemed to suddenly disappear from my body.

There was a slight pause before his intriguing voice was heard again. "Ah, yes, Normani. How are you, love?"

It felt like my knees had turn to jelly at how beautiful my name sounded as it rolled off his tongue.

"I-I'm fine, and yourself?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

A cute chuckle left his lips. "I'm doing great, thank you. How about we meet up for a late lunch to discuss details?"

"Sorry, I have an audition in a bit. We can do dinner if you'd like?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll message you the address and time."

I nervously fiddled with the dish towel in front of me. "Okay, see you later."

"I'm looking forward to it." His voice seemed to lower a bit but the line cut off before I could even fully register it in my mind.

Walking back over to the couch, I plop back down next to Lauren. Still shocked by how this man just had me a mess and that was just over the phone. How is it even possible to have that much charm?

"Dinner, huh?" Lauren smirked at me.

I leaned my back against the couch, turning my attention to the TV. "I guess so."

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