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"Liam, stop!" I laugh as we round the corner of the terminal. "There's paps around and I don't want to give them the wrong impression."

We had just landed back in the states and I was already missing the island. The airport was crowded with loud people that had no respect for personal space.

"Ashamed to be seen with me now that we're not in the middle of nowhere? Ouch." He removed his arm from around my waist with a fake hurt look.

I grabbed his hand and brought it around my shoulders, leaning my head into him. We've been civil with one another for the past two days and I've been loving every moment of it.

"Liam! Is this your new girlfriend?!"

"What happened to Sophia?!"

"Did you two go on a romantic getaway?!"

The obnoxious paparazzi swarmed us as we walked out of the automatic doors. I attempted to keep my head low while not running into anyone. Though they were making it quite hard to do with the way they were pushing up on us.

"Chill out, mates. This is obviously my sister on my dad's side." Liam sarcastically answered.

His large hand was placed on the small of my back, his other opening the door to the truck. He nudged me to climb in first then followed behind. Once the door was shut we were engulfed in silence once more.

I let out an exasperated sigh, leaning my head on the seat with my eyes closed. "How do you deal with that on a daily basis? I would be in jail for assault at least twice a month."

"You just get used to it." Liam shrugged his shoulders. "It's the price you pay when you release nothing but fire."

My right eye peeked open at him to see a dumb grin on his face. He was so amused with his corny statement that I could do nothing but mirror his smile. He was cute like this.

The truck came to a stop, making Liam and I look up. We were now on the freeway and traffic was at a complete standstill. At this rate, it would more than likely take a good hour to get to our side of the city. Not that I was complaining.

"I might as well start returning calls now then." Liam sighed, pulling out his phone.

I happily got more comfortable as well, sinking myself further into the seat. Li took me by surprise when he placed my legs across his lap. His left palm on my calf, fingers lightly massaging.

The long car ride was spent listening to him discuss dates and other important things I was too zoned out to care about. My focus was on watching him. The way his lips moved when he spoke, his eyebrows slightly furrowing when he would listen to the person speaking on the other end. It was like examining a new form of art.

"Make sure Tommo is briefed on that as well. Okay.....yep....see you tomorrow." He ended the call before turning to look at me. "Enjoy the show, love?"

"Mhm," I lazily smiled. "My favorite part was when you cussed that man out for not taking Watson out to properly exercise his legs."

Liam chuckled at himself, running a hand over his beard. "I have to make sure my son is well taken care of."

"Oh, hot daddy alert." I playfully hummed as I placed my feet down.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and slid me closer to him. "I can be your hot daddy if you come home with me." His words slightly muffled due to his lips being pressed against my neck.

I said a silent prayer to myself to keep my shit together. I could never function properly when he started feeling on me like this.

"I'm gonna have to rain check." I extended my neck from his reach. "There's a few things I have to do that I've been making mental notes of." Lauren being at the very top of the list.

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