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"Normani, chill on the ranch. You're barely going to taste the pizza." Justin grabbed the bottle from hands. He swiped some off of my slice, licking his finger afterwards.

"Don't touch my food," I made a face of disgust. "I don't know where your hands have been, boy."

"You don't?" Justin gave me a smug look and I bit into my pizza, side eyeing him as well.

We've been chilling together everyday for the past three weeks and I've actually grown quite fond of him. He's very sweet and funny and I just feel really comfortable around him. My tolerance for the male species has been beyond low for the longest time but here I was eating takeout and watching Spongebob with one. Lauren would be proud, that is if we we're speaking, which we still aren't.

I honestly could care less at this point though. If she wants to hold a grudge against me for defending myself, then so be it. I'm always the one to fix things between us and I'm sick of it. Lauren needs to learn how to own up to her wrongs and stop expecting me to just overlook them.

"Want something to drink?" I asked Justin as I stood from his couch, which was a very fluffy sectional. I've lost track of the amount of times I've ended up taking naps while we were watching TV on it.

"I can just call for someone to bring them to us," He started to reach for the little tablet next to him on the sofa.

"It's okay, Justin. We get it, you're rich. Now what do you want?"

A chuckle left his lips at my words. "Grab me a Pepsi, babe."

I nodded, trying to hide the dumb grin on my face while leaving the room. My bare feet padded along the shiny marble floors as I navigated my way to his kitchen. The house was big and very confusing if you didn't pay close attention to where it is you were going. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I walked into the doorway, bumping into someone's tall frame. 

"Oh shit," The guy grabbed a hold of my shoulders to steady me.

I sheepishly smiled up at him, recognizing his face from the many pictures of him and Justin around the house. "Sorry about that."

"You good, I was the one not paying attention." He brushed off my apology. "I'm Xavier by the way, but you can call me Za."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Normani," I shook his hand.

His eyes grew big at the sound of my name. "Oh! You're the one he--"

Za was cut off by Justin walking into the kitchen with my phone. "Some girl named Mackenzie?"

I took it from him, looking at the screen quizzically. Once I saw the contact I realized it was one of Liam's other dancers. "Hey, what's up?" I greeted her, watching Za and Justin bro hug.

"Boss man called a meeting."

"When is it?" My face scrunched up at the thought of Liam. I was glad we finished our solo rehearsals fairly quickly and was now back to full group. Being alone with him while trying not to rip him to shreds was almost impossible.

"In about...now. See you there!" She laughed before the call ended.

My face frowned up at the thought of having to leave Justin and his cozy couch. He instantly noticed my change in mood as I turned my attention back to him and Za. They were both looking at me with a puzzled expressions.

Justin's arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into him. "What's wrong, Mani?"

"Liam called all the dancers in for a quick meeting," I pouted up at him. "Would you mind taking me?"

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