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Liam's POV

My mind was racing a mile a minute as I laid out on the bed and dialed Zayn's number. I wasn't quite sure what time it was in America, but I honestly didn't care. I needed someone to talk to and I was relieved when Zayn picked up the phone.

"What's up, bro?" He cheerfully answered.

"This girl is driving me mad, Zayn. I don't know what to do."

A loud sigh came through the speaker. "I thought you said you were done with that...twice. Actually, it was technically about three times..."

"It doesn't matter!" I stood from the bed, beginning to pace about the room. "The bottom line is that I fucking kissed her today and now I don't know what the hell is going on with my mind."

"You don't like her to be around other guys, you talk about her 24/7, and she makes you act strange. This may sound crazy, but maybe you actually have feelings for her." Zayn sarcastically gasped on the other line.

I pulled my phone away from face and checked the contact to make sure I had dialed the right person. "Zayn, you of all people should know that I don't catch feelings. I'm immune to that disease."

He let out a laugh at my words. "Yeah okay, mate. It's obvious you do and you're just trying to fight them for dumb reasons. Being in an actual relationship isn't that bad, you should give a try sometime."

"I'll pass on that." I scrunched up my face. "All I need to do is sleep with her one good time and I'm sure everything will fall back in place."

"Listen, I don't think that's a good-" Zayn started to say something, but I hung up the phone before he could finish due to the sound of the door clicking open.

In walked Normani with a scowl on her pretty face as she tossed her bag down along with her jacket. The thought of her walking that distance by herself in just a bathing suit bothered me and now I wish would've stayed to walk her and what the actual fuck am I saying?

"You alright?" I spoke up, clearly catching her by surprise.

She looked at me as in if I was absolutely insane before going back to her prior actions, which was gathering what look to be pajamas from her suitcase. The fact that she blatantly just ignored me irritated me to no end, but if I snap at her it would only make things worse. So swallowing my pride, I laid out on the bed to let her shower first. Maybe that'll calm her down a bit.

I stared up at the ceiling as she finished collecting her things. The smell of her lavender perfume mixed with the ocean washed over me as she walked past the bed into the marble bathroom. Their was a brief moment of silence before the shower water started up followed by the sound of her soft, melodic hums.

Sometimes I wish she wasn't so stubborn and uptight. It could be so easy for me to just go in there, press her up against the wall and fuck her until her knees gave out. But no, Normani wants to play games and make things difficult. I said I liked a challenge, not a fucking military obstacle course.

The thought of her wet, bare body was making me go insane. I desperately needed relief and she definitely wasn't going to assist in any way, therefore I'm going to go find someone that will and I know exactly who that person is.


"You're so fucking hot, Arielle." I mutter, my voice strained.

She wraps her lips around my length, making me groan. My words giving her confidence as she takes me farther into her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks.

Her pace is tortuously slow at first, and it's taking a great deal of effort from me not to thrust myself into her mouth. She licks a stripe up the side of me with the tip of her tongue before taking me whole again and transitioning to a faster pace.

I slide my fingers into her hair, tightening the grip and earning a muffled moan from her that vibrates around my cock. The grunts leaving my mouth sounded more like growls as I watched her bob her head down my shaft.

"You're mouth feels so good, darling." I grit out breathlessly, my hand tightening around her hair as she starts to speed up.

She pulls back, swirling the tip of her tongue along the tip of my cock, causing my hips to buck up suddenly, ramming myself into her mouth once more. I can tell she likes my rough actions as she takes me as far as she possibly can.

My head falls back into the mountain of pillows as she pulls off to suck hard at my tip again. The muscles in my stomach tighten and I can feel my orgasm rapidly approaching, my eyes squeezed shut. Her head bobs faster and faster as my hips imperceptibly rise to meet her hot, warm mouth.

"Fuck, Arielle!" I groaned loudly, my hot release spilling into the back of her throat.

She has no problem at all with swallowing it all before trailing kisses up my abdomen. I take it as my cue to get the hell up when she tries to kiss me on lips. That was a complete no-go. The only woman I've let kiss me on my lips in the last 3 years is...Normani.

"God dammit." I curse myself, sliding my sweats back on.

Here I was fresh off a climax and the first thing that comes to mind is her. I suddenly felt like complete shit. Why I feel this way is beyond me, but I need to get the hell out of here. I didn't even give Arielle a second glance, much to her dismay, before rushing out the room. The entire way up to the top floor I felt nauseous and suffocated.

I entered the suite to see Normani resting on the couch and it was like a wave of calm washed over me instantly. She was cuddled up against one of the pillows with a fleece blanket covering her body. I felt the need to be close to her, she always managed to give me this strange feeling that I oddly liked and right now, I was desperate for it.

Carefully sliding onto the couch behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist. The sweet aroma I've grown quite fond of, though I'll never openly admit it, fills my senses and I drift off to sleep in no time.

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