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Lauren hadn't come home that night. I fell asleep on the couch awaiting her arrival, but it never happened. I woke up feeling depressed and not in the mood to do anything so I called Justin to reschedule. He was sweet about the situation, having no problem with moving our date to tomorrow.

Now all I had to do was tell Liam I wasn't going to make it to rehearsal. I found his number in my phone, pressing the device to me ear as it began to ring.

"Normani?" His gruff voice came through the receiver, making goosebumps appear on my arms.

"Hey, I know this is kind of short notice, but I won't be able to make it to the studio today." I bit my lip waiting for his reaction.

There was a bit of shuffling before he answered. "Is everything alright?"

"Not really, no." I admitted as a wave of emotions washed over me once again. I probably sounded like a crybaby by how my voice came out.

"Do you like, need someone to talk to, or something? I'm not busy." He suggested nervously, making my heart thump rapidly.

I paused for a second, making sure I had the right number. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Of course not." His voice softened. "Listen, I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

"Thank you, Liam." I genuinely spoke. This was probably the first nice thing he's ever done for me.

"No problem, see you in a bit."

I couldn't help but to feel a bit giddy at the fact that's he's willing to keep me company in my lonely state. Maybe we didn't have to fight all the time if he'd act like this more often.

The apartment was already nicely cleaned up due to it being abandoned most of the day. I pulled out a couple DVDs from the shelf and placed a few snacks on the coffee table. I looked down at my attire that consisted of a big T-shirt and a pair of fuzzy socks. I didn't really see the point in me changing. My dance clothes show way more than just my thighs.

The sound of the buzzer slightly startled me as I pressed the button to let him up. Even if I did wanted to change, it would be too late now. About 3 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I opened it to reveal Liam in a simple black shirt, a pair of light washed jeans that had rips in the knees, and brown boots that had a worn but cute look to them. He looked really hot and I couldn't help but to check him out.

"Hello, handsome." I playfully smirked at him.

His eyes scanned me over before our gazes locked. "Hello to you too."

I grabbed a hold of his arm, pulling him inside and shutting the door. This situation was so weird but it felt so...comfortable at the same time. I know Liam and I have broke down the "friends" barrier, but I wasn't too sure what this was between us. The sexual tension was insane but I still hated him most of the time.

He followed me over to the couch and made himself comfortable as I did the same. It was like we've did this a thousand times before.

"I picked out a few movies here or we can find something on Netflix." I suggested, watching him slip his boots off.

"Umm..." He leaned back against the sofa. "Let's do Netflix."

I handed him the remote to pick something to watch as I drew the blinds. The apartment was instantly engulfed in darkness except for the glow of the TV. I could see Liam's slight smirk as I nestled myself back onto the sofa.

After he turned on some thriller about a girl being stalked, he placed the remote on the coffee table. His body heat cascaded onto me as he scooted closer to where I was sitting.

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