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"Are you sure you're okay? Seem a bit off." Justin placed his hand on my bare thigh. He shot me a quick look of concern before turning his attention back to the road. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I put back on my fake smile. 

After leaving Liam's house I wanted to bury myself in my bed but I had promised Justin I'd go with him. I figured letting that asshole get the best of me was probably the worst thing I could let happen. That was his intention and me drowning in my own sorrow would only satisfy his fucked up craving for my unhappiness. 

"When we pull up there will be paparazzi. I don't mind us being seen publicly together but if you're not ready for all of that yet then I can go around back or something." He tried to seem nonchalant about it but I could tell he was slightly nervous about my response.

"I'm okay with that." I quickly made up my mind before I could second guess it. He seems to think it's a good idea, so why not?

"Alright then." His shoulders visibly relaxed as a wide smile took over his features. 

We turned the corner onto a street filled with large blacked out SUV trucks and sports cars. There was a white building with bright neon lights decorating it and a large crowd of people waiting outside. It was just like the party at The Nice Guy but somehow even bigger. 

Justin pulled right up to the front of the club and was barely able to put the car in park before we began to get swarmed. His guards escorted him around to my side so that he could open my door for me. The once muffled sounds of the cameras and the screaming was now fully audible as I stepped out and fixed my skirt. 

"Hey! You were the girl at the airport with Liam Payne!" One of them yelled as soon as they got a good look at me. "Fucking your way to the top, huh sweetheart?" 

My face instantly began to heat up in embarrassment. These people had no filter whatsoever and could care less about the shit that comes out of their mouths. How am I expected to just ignore it? 

"That's her boss you dumb ass. Don't talk down to her like that." Justin clapped back at him angrily before pushing us passed all the aggressive men.

My heart swelled at the fact that he would defend me even though what they were saying was partly true. He's such a sweetheart and I still do him dirty for someone that treats me like shit.

Justin led me into the club and all the way to the far back corner where there was a roped off section. There sat a few girls that I recognized to be VS models along with a few guys. Two of them being none other than Zayn and Liam. 

Zayn was sat towards the end of the round sofa conversing with the guy that I've noticed he toted around with him a lot. I think his name was Jamal or something like that. Lauren was nowhere in sight but Z seemed to be not paying the girls any attention so I guess that's a good thing. We may not be talking at the moment but I'll still look out for her no matter what. 

On the other hand, the wannabe Hugh Hefner was suffocating in fake boobs and caked up faces. He didn't even notice Justin and I had even showed until we sat right across from him, J pulling me onto his lap.

"What's up guys? It's been a while since we partied together." He cheerfully greeted everyone as he snaked his arm around my waist.

My inner petty bitch made her way to the forefront as I smugly crossed my legs and threw my arm around his shoulders. Zayn's eyes looked to us and then at Liam who looked like smoke was about to come out of his ears. 

"That's a plot twist for you." He chuckled to himself, putting his glass up to his lips to hid his smirk. 

"Normani." Liam dryly acknowledged me. The fact that he was visibly squirming from anger pleased me.

"Liam." I jestingly lifted a brow at him. This was going to be a fun game to play. 

Everyone shifted their gaze between the both of us, probably wondering how the mood shifted so drastically. 

"What happened to you yesterday night J? You missed out on some hot shit man!" One of the other guys randomly spoke up to fill the awkward silence. 

Hot shit? I looked at Justin questioningly. He seemed eager to stay the night so I just assumed he didn't have any prior plans. 

"Change of mind. I decided to stay with my girl." His hand squeezed my thigh as his face lit up. He was so proud to be able to say that and I found it really cute.

"How considerate." I beamed although it was short lived due to Liam obnoxiously caughing on the other end of the couch. 

"Got something to say Payne?" Justin coolly asked, slightly leaning over me to make eye contact with him. 

"Just ignore him." I attempted to get Justin to look at me.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and moved it from his face. "No, Normani. He obviously has something to get off his chest so let him." 

Liam picked up the expensive gold bottle of champagne. "I just wanted to ask how your little sleepover went. She let you eat her pussy too?" He winked at me, taking a swig of the alcohol. 

Justin instantly tensed at his words and I had to refrain from busting out into tears. I could only imagine the humiliation he was feeling. 

"Liam, don't." I warned him through clenched teeth.

He simply chuckled at me. "What's wrong babe? You didn't tell him how you had your legs spread for me before he called you on Skype?" 

That was all it took for Justin to push me off of his lap and lunge at Liam. The girls surrounding him moved away screaming as the boys scuffled on the couch. There was alcohol flying everywhere and it seemed like the entire club had turned to watch. 

The VIP section had turned into a zoo as the two of them scuffled. Justin got in a few good hits but his strength was no match for Liam. Before I knew it the tables had turned and Liam was the one atop J throwing punches. One hard blow to Justin's nose and blood began spilling from his nostrils. 

My heart momentarily stopped at the sight before I attempted to pull him off. "Liam! Get off of him!" 

"Mate this isn't a good look!" Zayn got a strong grip around his other bicep. Almost succeeding in tugging him. 

"Zayn! Let go!" He angrily yelled, shoving me so hard that I lost my footing.

A startled scream left my mouth as I almost crashed through the glass table, thankfully Zayn's friend was able to grab a hold of me. 

"Fuck, Normani. I'm so sorry. I thought you were Z." Liam panicked, trying to pull me into him. 

I could honestly care less about what he was saying as I watched one of the guards help Justin up. I pushed Liam out of the way before rushing to his side. There was dark streaks of blood running from his nose still and his lip was terribly busted.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" My hands were involuntarily shaking as I attempted to comfort him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I flinched away from him at the volume of his voice. "You're a dirty slut and I want nothing to do with you." He seethed before signaling his guard to follow him out.

All I was able to do was stand there stunned. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as I attempted to blink away the tears beginning to leave my eyes. I wasn't sure if I was crying for Justin or the fact that I know exactly where I'm about to end up.



A overly dramatic chapter to get back into the swing of things. Sorry it's only one but I'll try to post more tomorrow. 

I'm so excited about writing again. I haven't written bc I was getting back into my school routine but now that's out of the way I'm back to updating everyday.

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