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The guards had escorted us to a private room so that we didn't have an audience. It was kind of too late for that now. I can only imagine what was caught on footage. The press is going to chew me up and spit me out.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Zayn's friend lightly touched my shoulder, his soft eyes filled with sympathy. This guy barely knew me and I'm pretty sure I call him by the wrong name. Yet here he is offering to help me out after a guy just got humiliated and beat up because of me.

"Thank you, but I'll just call a Uber." I reassured him. He seems nice but I don't want to drag anyone else into my problems. If someone Liam has become good friends and worked on multiple projects with wasn't safe from his wrath I'm sure poor Jamal wasn't either.

"It's really not a problem I can ju-"

"Jawaad." Zayn cut him off with a warning tone.

Jawaad is his name. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. I knew I was close.

"Her ride just left her because your mate wanted to start up shit. The least I could do is offer her a way home." He bitterly snapped at Z for trying to scold him. I was a bit stunned by his show of emotions and the fact that this is the most I've ever seen him speak. He's usually laid back and very quiet, only letting out a laugh here and there.

Liam was clearly offended as he appeared next me with his eyebrows angrily creased. I've always wondered why the wrinkles between them were so prominent. Now I know it's because he's always angry. "Don't worry about her. She's all good." The possessiveness was literally oozing from his voice. He's such a man.

"You call that good?" Jawaad scoffed, gesturing to my distraught state. I didn't need a mirror to know that my face was puffy from crying and my mascara looked like a smudgy dark ring around my red eyes. "Zayn tells me about how you treat her. I thought he was just exaggerating but he clearly wasn't."

"You've been telling him my business?!" Liam snarled, turning his anger towards Zayn. I instantly grabbed a hold of his broad shoulder before he could step to him. He was just being belligerent now and I've had enough.

I roughly pushed him back, standing in front of him to block Z. "What the fuck are you going to do, huh Liam? You're going to beat him up too? That's your fucking problem. You try to turn everything onto someone else to cover up your mistakes. The only person in the wrong here is you."

"This has nothing to do with you Normani." He clenched his jaw to try to be intimidating but it wasn't fazing me one bit. He may scare all these other people but I could see right through his facade and he knew I wasn't having none of it.

"It does have to do with me! All of this does! You're so busy trying to fight your emotions that you're being a dick to everyone around you!" As I yelled and jabbed at his chest I became more irritated at the angry tears building up. I hate how emotional he makes me.

"I'm sorry..." Liam delicately lifted his hand to wipe away my tears. I've come to realize he's made a habit of doing that. Making me cry then cleaning up the mess.

"You need to figure out what you want because I'm done with these games, Liam." I moved away from his touch even though God knows I didn't want to. The second the contact was lost my chest tightened.

I had to distance myself from him otherwise this sick cycle will only continue. I need to show him that I'm serious. He needs to know that he can't continue this fucked up mind control. I'd rather be miserable on my own then being caused misery by someone else.

"I know my worth and I know I deserve better than what you're giving me."

"Normani, baby please. I want you." He helplessly pleaded, grabbing for my hand. "I can give you better, I swear."

"I'll believe you when you prove that to me. Until then, there's not going to be anything between us." I simply stated before grabbing my clutch. I was emotionally and psychically drained. All I wanted to do was to get home and far away from Liam.

"Here Mani," Zayn surprised me by tossing a pair of keys into my hands. "It's the black Mercedes out back. I'll catch a ride with Liam."

I gave him a hug as in to say thank you and Jawaad as well. I made eye contact with Liam over his shoulders and my heart nearly shattered into pieces. His shoulders were sagged and the slight pout on his perfect lips reminded me of a child after being scolded. I hated to do him like this but if I didn't put my foot down he would have easily drove me into a mental breakdown.

I quickly exited the back door before hurrying into the front seat. There was no paps in sight until I pulled out of the alley. Their bright lights flickered all around the vehicle, surely being able to see right through the glass due to their puzzled faces at me being behind the wheel. I revved the engine for them to move and as soon as the path was clear I sped off into the city.

The drive home was eerily silent other than the purr of Zayn's expensive car. My mind and body were finally relaxing after the long, treacherous night I've had. To my surprise our apartment door was unlocked and Lauren's favorite pair of combat boots were lazily slid off right by it.

The light glow of the TV aided in me being able to see her sprawled out on our sofa. She had on one of the shirts I recognized as Z's merch and her dark hair was fanned out above her head. The sound of her light snores brought a smile to my face as I covered her with the throw blanket that was folded by her feet.

After turning the volume of the cartoon down, I headed up to my room. I was far too exhausted to take a shower so I simply decided to take one in the morning and wash off my makeup now.

Once my face was clear of contour and the bit of eye makeup I still had on I lazily slid all my clothes off. I didn't even have the energy to grab a big shirt, sliding into the bed in just my underwear instead.

I pulled my fluffy blanket all the way up to my chin and snuggled deep into my bed. My mind was oddly content for the time being and I drifted off to a deep, peaceful sleep. No Liam, no Justin, and no drama. Just pure serenity.

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