Chapter 1: First Day of Senior Year

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Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have worked hard, fought, and won to be here. I stand with you today and announce that we have made it. We are fighters and this fight WE have won. No one can bring us down. No one can harm us if we remain vigilant to our surroundings. We have brought pride to our families. Today we stand and start the next chapter of our lives. I am honored to be here with air in my lungs and joy in my soul. Congratulations.

When I was informed I had the most chance of being valedictorian, I was thrilled. Endless possibilities ran through my head and I had worked hard for every single one of them. A lot harder then anyone else. The whole summer after Junior year I thought about what I wanted to say to the class that I had been with all my life.

I think I finally found my speech.

I continued down the sidewalk from my house to Mchowell High School. The walk was dreary as was the weather. I tugged my jacket closer up against my neck, and continued on the sidewalk at a slow walk. Toby passed me in a black mustang. The mustang not his own, but best friend's. He had been riding with him every morning since they both received their licenses.

Lucky him.

Megan had left early this morning for practice and Bonnie wasn't supposed to home again till the spring. I was a lucky girl getting to walk one mile everyday to school. Some how, I had managed run off every person that had ever entertained the idea of friendship with me. The friendships I had made ended long ago for one reason or another. This was the fault of the strange voice that no one could understand in my mind. Heck, I didn't even understand it.

I got onto school grounds a couple minutes before the bell rang and ran to math class. Still clinging to the warmth that invaded me once I stepped foot into the school; I walked through the door of Pre-Calculus. The air shifted. I could sense something was different. I could always sense new things.

There's someone new in class? The voice I have no control over speaks.

I don't know and I don't care so please shut up. I thought you went away!

I must be going crazy because that smells like an Alpha.

What the hell is an Alpha? I asked.

Just sit down by him! Third row, blonde hair.

I looked around and saw my new teacher glaring at me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." My eyes shifted down to my worn out purple sneakers.

"I could see that." His eyes gazed over the worn attendance booklet then darted back up at me. His eyes furrowing, "Would you be so kind as to take your seat Emily? I have already posted the seating chart."

"Yes, Sir" I muttered as I scanned the room finding the only seat left...

In third row.

My stomach dropped. I felt nauseous and had no idea why. I felt a pulling that shook my bones to the core. The atmosphere changed, shifting into something almost tangible.


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