Chapter 17: Family

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"Hey." The voice whispered in my ear.

I felt the weight of the bed change and the person talking was right up against my body. My silk tank top dropped off one of my shoulders as I turned to face the voice. I smiled when I opened my eyes to see Noah's bright blue eyes looking down at me. He was leaning over my top half staring at the strap falling off my shoulder. I began to giggle and fixed it throwing him a raised eyebrow. He shrugged and kissed my cheek. I cocked my head sideways glancing at him through the pieces of my hair that fell across my face.

"You're in a good mood this morning." I pulled the pillow over my head and laid back down. He tugged at it and bit his lip. I could tell he wanted to tell me something but he just looked away when I made eye contact.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, moving the pillow further off my face and sitting with my back against the wood headboard. He got out of bed, and leaned down to grab his pants off the floor. I caught a peak of his red underwear that he slept in and a crimson color starts making its way up my face. My stomach dropped and I feel like I want to kiss him.

He turned his head slightly and blew me a kiss. I furrowed my brows and look like I've been caught red-handed. He chuckled and turned around to face me completely.

"You do know we can feel each other's emotions, right?" He sets his mouth into a tight line like he's trying to not crack a smile. My mouth dropped open and I swear almost hit the floor. I punched his arm in mortification.

He knows how I feel about him!

I can feel Jessie roll her eyes.

Not really. He can only feel our emotions, not our thoughts. Not unless we want him too. Don't worry, he doesn't know we love them.

I blushed even harder. Jessie continued to talk at me but my only thoughts were on watching how Noah put his shoes on. I'm mesmerized by his hand movements. His long fingers tied the shoelace with a swift movement. I moved to his shoulders, stretching against the thin fabric of his black muscle shirt. I wanted to wrap my arms around them. His eyes moved up to meet mine just as I reached his face. The ruffled hair fell into his eyes, he quickly blew it out of his way before he looked back to me. My heart wanted to stop. It was too intense.

Noah got up from the suede black couch in the corner of the room and sat in between my legs looking up at me or more specifically to the mark on my neck. I shivered under his gaze. He reached up and ran a finger from my jaw line to the mark. Sparks shot up my body and made me gasp.

"What just happened?" My voice was very quiet in the silent room. He did it again and it felt like when he kissed me. My body leaned into his touch.

"You are mine." He growled and jumped up, suddenly, knocking me back on the bed, kissing me. I willingly accepted the attack, feeling myself grow weary without his touch. He deepened the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his up against me. He groaned again when I kissed his mark.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Noah growled into my ear and removed himself from me. My body felt cold without him. I frowned and got up, grabbing a change of clothes and heading into the bathroom.

What is wrong with me?

I'm acting like a moron. We've only just started to get friendly. Why on earth would I let him mark me? I asked myself, only realizing moments after I asked that I had my answer.

Because I'd do anything for him. My breath hitched at that thought. I put my forehead to the bathroom door and sighed.

I'm in love with him.

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