Chapter 26: Lucky Ones

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Harmony was brought back to the hospital and sedated to keep her from hurting herself. She was overcome with grief after trying to murder the baby and I. Well, actually. Just after trying to kill me. As soon as she found out I was pregnant, the darkness went away. I don't know if it was Declan's shock or Harmony's love, but she broke through and came back to us.

Noah sat beside me in the hospital room, nodding off slowly. Harmony's body looked small and fragile, not like the Harmony I had come to know. Jamie sat in the corner in an armchair, half asleep from being up all night.

We were all exhausted.

Harmony stirred slightly, flicking her eyes open and close. I shook Noah's arm and he jerked awake, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes. He went to get Dr. Smith, while I wake up Jamie. He moved and stretched, eager to find out what's happening. We stood by Harmony's bedside, waiting for information and a check up. Dr. Smith entered the room followed by Noah. He checked Harmony's vitals, walking around her bed. He checked all of the machines paperwork. Finally, he spoke.

"Harmony, how do you feel?" His voice was hesitant.

She wiggled her fingers and toes, staring from face to face until she lands on mine. She smiled softly towards me, urging me to come close. Noah threw me a glance that I knew meant no, but I shook it off and went anyway. I moved past everyone, sitting on her bed. She leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"You and that baby better stay safe, wouldn't want something bad to happen to you."

I jerked away from her, jumping off the bed in Noah's arms. Harmony's eyes were black before she blinks and they were back to normal. I pushed open the heavy hospital door leaving the room and bolted down the hallway out into the sunshine. It shone warm on my face like a hot blanket. I basked in it before puking into the bushes beside me.

Noah came running out and held my hair out of the way, rubbing my back softly. It didn't take much to wear me out and soon my legs feel shaky. He drew me near him, lifting me bridal style and carrying me to the pack house. We reached his room and go in quietly, neither of us having much to say. He helped me strip for a bath and ran the water for me. The water left me feeling tingly. He leaned me forward and slipped in behind me, laying me back against him. I froze for a moment, this being the first time we've taken a bath together. Showers were sexier, baths were intimate. I felt very content when his arms wrapped around me, and he must've felt it too because he sighed against my neck.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

I thought about everything that has happened since our engagement and am thrown into a fit of feelings.

"No, not really." I sighed as I move my fingers in a circle motion on his bare leg.

"I know, baby. It's been a rough couple of days."

"Jessie barely talks to me anymore." I was saddened by finally admitting it.

He sat up suddenly, getting out of the tub and grabbed a towel to put around his waist.

"Come here." He lifted me out of the tub, drying me and putting shorts and a t-shirt on me. He took me into the bedroom and sat me on the bed with my legs criss crossed. He sat across from me. looked at him confused but he shook his head and held out my arms. I held his hands and we sat in silence.

"I want to try something. Maybe it'll help Jessie. I have to admit I have been worried about you. You haven't changed often and I'm worried about your wolf. I am also worried about you changing right now with the baby, so this will have to do." I nodded and he took out a knife.

My eyes widened in fear, checking to see what color his eyes are. The blue is as pure as a warm summer day.

"This will hurt. Close your eyes and just breath."

I obeyed, closing my eyes focusing on my breathing.

In. Out. In. Out. In. AHHHH!!!

"Ow!" I screamed as I felt the knife slice through my hand. I watched Noah cut his own hand and then reached for mine. He put our palms together, holding my hand in his. The blood swirled and shimmered. The red turned to black and back to red. It was terrifying and amazing at the same time. Our bodies healed both wounds quickly. We continued to hold hands, I felt his blood surging through my body, strengthening me with it's Alpha powers.

"Close your eyes and imagine our wolves running together." I imagined his slick wolf running with my small brown one. They intertwined running side by side. I felt as though I was looking through my eyes as someone else.

Thomas. Jessie purred, our wolf nuzzled Noah's face. His wolf smiled at us.

Jessie, you're a vision. Thomas nuzzled her back. They looked so happy. I could feel Jessie's happiness. I felt someone shaking me on the shoulders. I blinked a few times and eventually saw Noah in front of me on the bed. His face was peaceful and happy. He smiled at me and I felt myself blush.

"How did you do that?" I moved onto his lap as he cuddled me, placing a hand on my stomach.

"It's just something Alpha's can do. We can make images appear in other wolves minds almost like memories." He shrugged.

"What was with the blood stuff?"

"I know you feel out of control, I was hoping feeling the power within you would give you the strength to keep going. Plus it's easier to put images in your head that way. Closer bond and all that."

"My brother's a wolf." I whispered, not knowing how he'll react.

"I know."

I moved to see his face, he's hiding something.

"What else do you know?" I had been around long enough to know when he was lying. Noah shifted uncomfortably. He looked from his hand on my belly back to my face.

"Your mom was a wolf.."

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"As was your real father."

Real father?

My dad isn't my dad?

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