Chapter 12: Daddy Dearest

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I hated meeting people's parents. I simply hated it. It is awkward and unwanted and they always acted so blah. But I would do anything for Emily and part of our deal was that she would stay if she still got to keep contact with her parents. I had put off letting her parents come over for three weeks when she finally figured out what I was doing, she gave me an ultimatum. 

They come or she goes. 

Sitting in front of her Army father was not something I wanted to do. He glared at me like I had touched every orifice of his daughter. In reality, that hug and kiss on the cheek this morning was the first contact I have had with her.


Thomas whined at the loss of contact when she retreated her hug. He ached for her touch and was pushing me to mark her. As long as she was unmarked she was free game to anyone, even though she was MY mate. 

I have to admit, I did think we'd be at least kissing by now; but I began to think Emily is a virgin. 

Stop talking to yourself they're trying to get to know you. Emily's wolf, Jessie, growled at me. 

I had mind-linked our wolves together and was beginning to regret it. No wonder Emily was consistently rolling her eyes, her wolf is annoying. However, as annoying as she was, Thomas belonged to her.

"So Noah, have you touched my little girl. Deflowered her. Are you planning on marriage or is this a teenage pregnancy thing? I would like to know whether to punch you now or later." Her father bluntly stated.

I choked on my soda, coughing violently. 

Marriage?! A pup?!  I hadn't even thought about those things yet. I know we will have them one day but Emily is just now really talking to me. 

I hated meeting parents.

"Oh my gosh! Daddy I can't believe you would ask him that. We're just dating, we haven't even kissed! I can't imagine doing that yet." Emily corrected her father while patting my back. 

Yet. The word echoed.

There is a yet! Thomas cheered.

I just sat there the rest of the meal thinking about the "yet." 

I'm a virgin. Does she think I'm not? I have waited for her.

She acted as though I knew every book ever written about the subject and yet I was completely lost like her. 

**That Night**

"Hey, um what did you mean when you said you couldn't imagine doing THAT yet?" I questioned her while she laid in my bed. Her brown hair surrounded her face like a halo and she scrunched her nose up as she shifted under the covers.  Emily was very demanding and decided her third night here that she hated her room and didn't want to be alone when she learned our house was the safe haven for the pack. Members came in at all hours of the night, and frankly since she wasn't marked it made me feel better knowing she was with me.

"Noah. Go to sleep." She turned away from me lightly snoring.

"I can't. I feel like you still don't know me. " I laid on my back, staring at the canopy on my bed. The moon light flooded the room as the clock turned 12:00. 

Midnight. I've been laying here for three hours and still can't go to sleep.

She growled slightly and rolled back over facing me. She placed her hands on either side of my face and looked at me, her chocolate eyes still had sleep in them. 

"What's wrong. You're mind won't shut up and I can hear you and Thomas talking so just talk to me."  Her voice was like silk flowing into my ears reminding me of the deep wanting feeling I had below the pant line. The feeling Thomas wouldn't let me forget about. He harped at me daily.

"You said yet. Emily, I'm a virgin. I have never had sex with anyone. I was always told that is something you do with your mate so I've never felt the urge to but I feel it with you so badly it hurts me sometimes. You said yet. Are we a possibility?" I slammed sentence, word after word to her. 

She smiled sleepily and rolled on her back with her eyes closed again. 

"I said yet because I feel the urge too. I may not understand everything about this stuff yet. I do understand mates are forever, of course there's a possibility, Noah. "

I suddenly felt tired after hearing those words of comfort run through me. My eyes began to flutter closed when I heard her whisper once more. Her quiet angelic voice in the still night.

"I'm a virgin too."

And with that, the urge was awakened once again but I fell asleep as happy as ever.

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