Chapter 22: Emily

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White curtains swayed in the summer breeze. The open windows let the light into the usually dark bedroom. Pink flowers laid on the side table by the blue hair pin. I looked at myself in the mirror. The veil cascaded down my back into pearls that collected on the floor. My swooped sweetheart neckline dress fit snug across my chest. Behind me, Noah stood straightening his tie. I cocked my head sideways, confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. It was always bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

"I'm escorting you to the wedding." He voice was quiet and annoyed. My brows furrowed and I yanked his hand to me.

"What do you mean escort me? I'm marrying you." The shakiness in my voice escalated with each word.

"No. You're marrying him." He pointed to the door. I turned around and the man with green eyes was standing at the door in a black tux.

"NO!" I screamed when he started to walk towards me. I pushed at him and kicked him away.

"Emily!!" A voice yelled at me.

"Wake up!" The voice got louder.

I popped my eyes open to see Noah above me, staring at me with a worriedness. His hands were on either side of my body and he was shaking me. I shot up and head butted him on accident.

"Ow..." I rubbed my forehead and sat back against the head board.

He held his own head and sat in front of me, one hand on my knee.

"You've been having those nightmares for a while now." He was concerned. His eyes bore holes into my soul. He bit his lip and looked down quickly.

"It's not your fault.' I whispered.

He moved and hung his legs off the bed, putting his head in his hands. I moved behind him and placed my legs on either side of him, hugging his back.

"If I had got there sooner, he wouldn't have hurt you. You wouldn't be having nightmares." The anger in his voice directed to himself. He beat himself up over it again and again, especially now since the nightmares started. They hadn't been a problem when I was in a coma. That all changed a few days ago. It had been two weeks since I woke up and The nightmares followed shortly. They were always the same. Me getting married to Declan.

Noah's brother.

The brother that tried to kill me.

The brother that fully intended to kill Noah.

"He's a bad man. Noah, you are a good man. You can't do everything. I could've died, but you saved me. He's just trying to hurt you by messing with me. It's these damn scars." I motioned to my stomach.

"I love you. Don't let him put doubt in your mind."

Noah glanced over his shoulder and pondered in thought for a moment. He stood up and turned to face me. His blonde hair waving in front of his face. I stood and ran my fingers through it.

"This doesn't really work if you're standing." He chuckled. I paused, my hands still sitting in his hair. He knelt down in front of me. My mouth fell open and I shoot my hand up to cover it.

"This is dumb. People that do this are dumb, but I find myself doing a lot of dumb things for you. Emily, I would do anything you asked me too. I would die for you time and time again. I will carry you across the world. I will provide for you and be the best man I can be. I will love you forever. Will you be my girlfriend?" He produced a rose gold bracelet with two moons on it. They were facing separate ways, watching each other's back, a big moon laying in the middle.

I stifled a giggle and grabbed the bracelet. I leaned down and kissed him, shaking my head laughing. I listened for Jessie to comment but she doesn't say anything. I let my face fall but quickly recover it as to not alarm him.

Jessie? I asked, but I am only met with quiet. I shook my head and smiled at Noah.

"Yes, Noah."

He smiled a giant smile that reaches not only his eyes but the sun in the sky. He kissed me again as he clasped the bracelet to my arm. I played with the moon gems. He smirked at me and dusted his shoulder in a playful way.

"And Brad said that was hard." He rolled his eyes.

"What did Brad tell you exactly?" I giggled.

"He told me that was how people asked to be together." Noah answered in a matter of fact tone.

It's my turn to roll my eyes, "I think he thought you were going to ask me to marry you."

Noah's cheeks flushed and he bit his lips.

"Noah?" I asked him, growing alarmed by his reaction.

He knelt down again.

"Emily Olivia Daniels. You are my girlfriend now. My bright shining moon. My luna. I only thought it appropriate that we date before I ask you this very important question. I love you more than life itself. I love you and will love you forever. My heart is yours as long as you want it. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He pulled a square cut princess diamond from his jean pocket.

I gasped and stared at him. My hand fell from the bracelet to my side. The silence cuts through the air. It felt like time has stopped. In front of me, Noah shifted awkwardly from knee to knee, waiting. His smile never faltering because he knew, just like everyone else knew. My answer will always be...



Jessie's voice sounded weaker than normal, but she did speak.

"Yes." I am scooped up and smothered in kisses. The bedroom door was knocked opened, everyone piling in. His parents were beaming, as was my mom, surprisingly. Haylee ran up to me, hugging us both tightly. Brad came  up behind her, slapping Noah on the good shoulder.

"Told ya it would work." Brad winked.

Toby stood near the doorframe. I made my way over the him and leaned against the frame beside him. We stood there in silence watching the scene before us. Noah hugged his parents, beaming with happiness. Toby moved, grabbing my hand and held it in his. I looked at him and saw him staring back.

I'm happy for you.

His voice in my head made me jump. I stared at him harder, questioning him.

You're a werewolf?

My hand started to shake. He gripped it tighter moving me under his wing.

Always have been.

I had so many questions but Noah soon stole me away and kissed me intensely. The woops and hollers echoing throughout the spacious room. I smiled into his kiss and gripped the back of his hair, smashing his face into my mine more fiercely.

I love you.

Noah's voice echoed into my every being.

I love you too.

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