Chapter 2: Dear Hotness, thy name is Noah

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Blonde hair moved in front of his tantalizing blue eyes as he introduced himself. He held out a calloused hand, moving the seat out beside him. I took his hand careful and sparks shot up my arm in an alluring way.

"I'm Noah." He said with a soft yet firm voice.

"I'm Emily." I stated, eyes wide, turning to look at my text book.

Chapters one-seven.. this homework will take like ten minutes easy.

 I glanced over at the extremely good looking male figure beside me. 

His blonde hair was sandy and long but not to long. Just long enough to gently fall in his face every once in while. His eyes were a blue so deep you'd think you were drowning in them. I wanted to drown in them. They had some flecks of grey but the blue was so extraordinary. He looked tall about 6'2 and VERY muscular like he was possibly sporting a 6-pack under that gorgeous skin tight black shirt.   His jeans were worn and fitted. Like the kind that really shows off a good ass. His tennis shoes were black with orange laces, strange but cute. 

I looked up to see him watching me eye rape him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just admiring your shoes." My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Sure you were." He smirked.

Oh holy, his smile was too die for!

I tried to quit thinking about how I want those luscious lips on mine, when he stood abruptly and turned in his homework. The curve of his ass swayed with each step to the teacher's desk. He passed desk after desk and all I could do was stare, mouth agape.

I didn't even see him pick up his pencil!? And I thought I was fast. 

"Are you done already? That was like twenty pages of work?" I inquired. Show off. 

"Ye-yes. Math is quite easy for me." He stammered, looking away while grasping his ink pen. I tried to forget about the gorgeous creature beside me when I saw him lean closer to me. 

"Can I help you?" 

He scooted even closer and I swear he sniffed me before moving away. 

Is this Twilight?

"Sorry, I thought I smelt something." He claimed

So now I stink to him? Great...

Class flew by and before I knew it, it was over. I practically ran out of the room away from him. I tried to get to my locker and to the next class before he sauntered into the hallway. The whole day was spent thinking about Noah.

He was a strange guy. 

When the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I grabbed my things and headed out the doors, towards the cement sidewalk. I started walking but eventually the charged atmospheric feeling came back. I could sense someone was watching me. I turned down a street that was adjacent to my own and walked faster. I heard them continuing behind me. It felt like I was in an episode of Dateline. I could imagine my mother being on tv talking about my missing body. This made me move quicker.

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