Chapter 18: She's Gone

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I clutched my head in my hands setting myself on the ground with my back against the wooden front porch. I grasped my hair pulling it and tugging it, kicking my sneakered feet into the dirt.

She's gone. Fuck. I was supposed to protect her and now she's gone.

I continued to beat myself up until I felt a hand on my arm. I glanced up with tear filled eyes to see Emily's mom. I looked away from her so she couldn't see my shame. Her soft hand grabbed my chin and pulled it up to look at her face. Her eyes are rimmed with tears and her nose was red from crying. I hold her stare as long as she has my chin.

"You find her, Noah. You brought her here and took her from us now you get out there and find her." Her words were broken, the pain seeping through them. She dropped in front of me, sobbing. Toby came outside and wrapped his arms around his mother's shoulders, pulling her to her feet and turning to leave but not before he gives me one last look.

"Fucking find her or I will kill you," He spit in disgust.

Please do. Is all I can think.

I can't live without her.

The pain started to creep into my body and my scars started to burn. I grabbed at my chest and slammed my fist into the ground, roaring. The sky that was once a brilliant purple is now pouring rain on me. It will only make her tracks that much harder to find. My father's face came into view between the tears and rain. He lifted me under his arms and tugged me inside, sitting me just inside the doorframe, the door parts still in shattered pieces on the floor.

Like my heart.

"It's my fault. If I would've spent more time showing her how to be a wolf, maybe she could've escaped." The words just fall from my lips. The look on my face was distant, unwavering.

My father hugged me and talked against my head, my arms remained limp beside me.

"Noah. Stop. This isn't helping. You're going to be the Alpha, you have to get your act together and comfort your people. They need their leader." Disgust crossed my face and I pushed him away.

Screw my people.

What about Emily.

I am ever so quickly filled with an anger I have never felt. It radiated my body and I felt my scars burn, but I let them. Not caring about the pain, I walked back out into the rain and started running.

"NOAH!" I heard my dad yelling to me, but I ignored him.

I send a mind link to Brad telling him to meet me at the river's edge. Determination taking over my sadness. I pushed it down until I feel Thomas feeling the brunt of it. He whined and howled about in my head, wanting to push out. My bones started shaking and my wolf took over.

What took you so long! I growled as a brown wolf ran past me.

What the hell are you doing? Brad's voice was furious.

We are going to find her.

I reach the edge in no time, smelling the ground to catch her scent again. The soft faded smell of vanilla floated into my nose and I howled in response. The heartbreak in my howl made it crack at the end. I sniffed the ground again, her scent moving to the south along the river. I stopped abruptly, causing Brad to almost bulldoze right over me. A small trail of blood is lined along with her scent. Panic started to fill me, but Thomas pushed it down. With him being in control, I found myself weary. It felt like it had been years since I felt her lips on mine. I dread thinking what Declan was doing to her right now. I knew he took her to anger me into fighting him for the pack. I knew I was walking right into a trap, yet I couldn't help it.

I loved her.

Dammit, I loved her so fucking much.

My paws were moving swiftly beneath me, leading me to her. Her scent was fading out more but I had a feeling I knew where he took her. Brad whined beside sniffing to the sky. I smelt it too. It was the smell of evil.

Pure evil.

The foggy, suffocating smell slapped me in the face as we crossed out of our border into his. I noticed Brad falling behind. Turning my big fluffy head toward his I stared at him. I saw a million expressions in his eyes. He's thinking about leaving my sister without a mate if he died. He wanted to leave. He wanted to save me. He doesn't want to die.


I can't leave you, Alpha.

Yes, you can. Go and get the others. Which ever way this goes, we'll need help.

He stiffly nodded and turned around running away from me. I turned back to look inside the cave in front of me. The darkness was daunting. No light was visible from around the corner but I knew she was in there. I felt my head throbbing in pain, evening with my shoulder pain. The bullet hole in my shoulder hadn't completely healed and I still hadn't had the courage to tell Emily what happened that day.


I'm running through the thick leaves crossing into rogue territory. I was following a strangers scent but lost it just after the border. I turned to head back when I heard a low growl from behind me. Kaleb quickly stopped when he saw it was me entering back into our pack zone. He nudged my side with his head and I acknowledged his apology. He was watching the border as I ordered him to. The bullets flying past my head whipped me around. Kaleb cried out in pain and needed help. I sprung into action pulling him away from the gunman. With my back turned, I felt the pain of the bullet enter my back and exit my shoulder. I winced and shook off the pain, grabbing Kaleb and tugging him between my huge canines. His limp golden brown wolf was barely breathing.

Help me!

I yelled for someone to come. My body shook with the change coming on. The adrenaline was wearing off shooting me back to my human form. Soon I stood naked in the woods next to Kaleb's wolf. I pulled his body to the shed and grabbed clothes, the blood soaking my t shirt instantly. His body started shaking and his small form came into view. The pale face and blue lips scared the shit out of me. I carried him over my uninjured shoulder, but not before turning around to see the gunman remove his mask.

Declan's Beta, Liam.

I ran back to the pack house. Dropping him onto the wooden front porch yelling for the doctor to hurry. The front door was thrown open and I leaned Kaleb against my body pushing him inside. The first pair of eyes mine met were Emily's. She was collapsed on the floor, crying. I grabbed her and hugged her.


I could still smell her hair. It smelled like the wild flowers in the forest. I was an ass for leaving. Of course she didn't want to marry me. Hell who knows if she wants to marry me now..

I looked into the cave trying to weigh my options against how long Emily might have. I could still feel her emotions and she was terrified. The thing that scared me most was that I could feel her life line being drained.


I tried to reach her mind link but she was almost too far gone.

My ears perked up at the slightest noise.


Her voice was shaky and very quiet.

I charged into the darkness after her.

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