Chapter 27: A Different Love Story

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" you see they couldn't be together. He was killed and your mom rejected him and went back to your dad. She had you and Toby and your dad raised you as his own. I'm sorry for keeping it from you." Noah ran a hand through his hair and frowned slightly.

I sat crossed legged in front of him. My hands were numb and pulsing from wringing them as he continued to speak in a quiet voice. With early morning coming, everyone in the house was still asleep. That's right. We had stayed up all night.

"Em?" Noah poked my arm, throwing me from my trance. I shook my head and finally looked him in the eye.

"This is too much. I can't deal with this right now, not with everything happening with Declan and Harmony." I pushed away from him, cradling my stomach as I stood. It was still tiny but I could feel it growing rapidly. The impending birth of our surprise was making everything blurry. Swaying while standing, Noah came and wrapped his strong arms around me.

"My life has changed so much. Toby was right, I was supposed to be valedictorian and he's not supposed to be a wolf. I'm not supposed to be this way. We shouldn't even exist. Now you're telling me my mom was a wolf and my dad isn't my dad and it's just so much." I sighed. He kissed my head and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I was selfish taking you from your life." His voice was strained and quiet. He was not happy with the things I had said. I could feel his annoyance but he was also sincere in his apology. I turned to face him and put a hand on his cheek.

"I'm happy to have met you. I'm happy to be marrying you and becoming this pack's Luna. I'm happy to be having this baby with you. I just wish it wasn't such bad timing. I wish we could just talk to Declan. Reason with him."

"You can't reason with him! Don't you get it? Quit being stupid and realize that he's just plain evil. He can't be saved. " He yelled. I flinched and glanced towards the floor with my own annoyance surfacing.

"You've never tired." I gave him a cold stare. Noah flinched at my words and his face hardened even more. He took my hand away and walked out the bedroom door.

A small fluttery movement took me by surprise, my hand grabbed at my belly.

What are we going to do? I asked, hoping Jessie will answer me.

If you wish to make peace, we have to find Declan. He won't stop until he has what he wants.

This answer was not promising considering the last thing he said he wanted was me.

I slipped on some fresh clothes and put some makeup on the hide the bags from no sleep. Toby was downstairs when I entered the kitchen. His face wasn't happy.

"What did you fight about?" He asked.

I gave a puzzled look and ignored his question. It was none of his damn business.

Man, these pregnancy hormones are for real.

"I mean it, Emily. This isn't the time for being childish."

I snapped my head around in anger.

"What we fight about is none of your business. You failed to mention for months that you were a wolf. You lied to me about mom and dad. You have no right to ask me anything." I spat.

Toby crossed his arms and glared, hard.

"What else can anyone talk about or fight about?! Fucking Declan!" I yelled and stomped around, going back to the fridge and taking the milk out. The air was quiet, I almost missed the sharp intake of breath from my brother.

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