Chapter 8: Declan Mchowell

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"I feel like shit."

Haylee slapped me on the back of my head.

"Well, you should. You kidnapped her and now she hates it here and is crying."

I leaned forward putting my elbows to my knees ruffing my hair with both hands. "Lee, I know. Hence why I feel like shit."

I got up and moved to turn on the T.V. when a sound from upstairs began to concern me. 

"Did you hear that?" I asked turning towards the staircase.

Sounded like the window.

Haylee shifted her weight slightly and sniffed the air. I followed suit, sticking my nose to the ceiling trying to smell. I waited for the vanilla scent to hit me like it did in math class, but it didn't.

I don't smell her.

"I don't either." Brad whispered from the kitchen door. 

I ran up the stairs to her bedroom door and throw it ajar. The far window was pushed open, leaves were scattered around the wooden floor.

"Shit." I ran back out the door and to the backyard.

"EMILY!" I yelled through the trees as I sprinted. "Answer me, Emily!"

Brad and Haylee flanked me, going deeper into the woods. I continued on until I smelt something familiar. A smell that through me back into my childhood. One of pain and darkness. One that I hoped I wouldn't smell again for a while. Maybe even ever.


I slowed my pace and stalked behind trees keeping an eye out for any rouges. 


My head shifted to the left and in seconds I hear another howl.

Who the hell is that? Anybody hear that too? I asked telepathically.

I did. Haylee's voices sang.

Me too. Brad affirmed.

Boss, It's Major. The Rouge Clan is here at the boarder they wanna talk to you.

I sighed and contemplated what I should do. My mate was missing and now I had to deal with stupid shit.

Brad, you and Haylee keep looking for her. Major, meet me there.

I started running again picking up the pace until my skin started to shed and sandy fur takes its place. The burning was something you never got used too. 


I approached the boarder in minutes. My breath visible as the sun started to set and temperature dropped. I shook the chilliness out of my bones. A black wolf came up shortly behind me and sat at attention waiting for me to speak. 

Where is he, Major?

I do not know, Alpha.  He mumbled.

"I'm right here brother." My wolf turned to see a tall muscular brunette speaking. 

What do you want, Declan? I demanded.

"Only what daddy dearest promised me." He smiled a sly grin. Pure evilness seeping out of his pores and into my nose. It was the world's easiest shit eating grin.

You will not get this land or pack, Declan. Once you decided to go rouge, you lost it. My wolf sneered back at him, teeth shining. 

"I hear ya got a mate, oh brother of mine. Can I meet the little slut?" Declan mocked, knowing it would anger me. 

I changed quickly back into a man. A naked man.


Declan tumbled over holding his head. He stood back straight and wiped his mouth, still smiliing.

"She's not a slut." I growled.

Howl. Howl. Howl. 

I turned towards the direction howls are coming from while the voices flooded my head.

Alpha, you won't believe what we found. Brad uttered.

Noah! Haylee shouted. We found Emily!

You need to come here now, Alpha. We need help. 

"Declan is appears I have some things to get back too. It was a joy as always to see you." I turned back to face him.

"Get the fuck off my land." When I turned to see him, he was gone. Like the wind, my brother had retreated back. 

"Good riddance." I muttered.

Major stay on post here until someone relieves you.

Yes, Alpha. The black wolf ran out into the woods and went off to guard the west boarder.

I shifted again going until I reached the creek where a very wet brown wolf was sitting. 

"What happened to you?"

The wolf scooted away from me and closer to the water whimpering. 



Brad came from behind the farthest tree. 

"Who is this?" The smell of wet dog wafted into my nose. It scrunched involuntarily. A faint scent of vanilla soon followed the disgusting smell.  My eyebrow rose as I pointed to the sopping wet pup and looked at Brad. My eyes wide and mouth agape. He nodded slowly and cautiously. The brown wolf stared at us in fear. It thrashed around in the mud along the river bank. It's fur was matted and soggy.

"Is that Emily?" My voice shook.

The pup yelped.

Oh My God.

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