Chapter 11: Meeting Mom and Dad

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One Month Later--Emily

"Noah! Where is my jacket?" I yelled from the bathroom. Looking in the mirror at my outfit, I realized something was missing. 

Red maxi dress, Black sandals, jacket.

"Which one babe?" He shouted from the closet.

The black one, duh

The black one, duh

Jessie and I sent him at the same time.

Calm it down girls. It's only meeting Emily parents. He thought back to us.

If you would've told me a month ago I'd be where I am now I would've thought you were crazy. After we had our chat about mates something shifted in me. I had realized my whole life that I felt the way he described. That I thought if I involved myself in schooling completely that the feeling of incompleteness would fade away. Instead, it got worse only getting better when I felt Noah's presence in class that day. I felt sick with fear of rejection.

Noah stepped in the bathroom doorway wearing his black button up and dark wash jeans. His hair was spiked but some of it still managed to get in front of his blue ocean eyes. A tattoo peeked out from the left sleeve of his shirt. 

"You have a tattoo?" I asked. My parents hate tattoos!

"Not exactly." He pulled off his shirt completely, having some trouble getting over his muscles, to show me a black jagged scar. It looked like claw marks and stretched from his arm across his back. I gasped covering my mouth with my hands. Anger spread through me at the thought of someone hurting him. 

"What happened?" I demanded, anger flowing off my shoulders.

"When my brother, Declan, tried leaving the pack the first time my father told me it was for the best. That he was evil and had some very dark powers that the Goddess did not provide for him running through his veins. My father never wanted him to be Alpha. I threw a fit wanting him back so father had the fighters go out and find him. They did and my father locked him up. I was angry at him for leaving but more so at my father for pushing him away. I thought it was ridiculous having him caged up so I went out one night to free him. I opened the door and tried to get out of his way but Declan was mad at me. He tried reaching for me but I ran and he scratched my back. The marks burned for three days before turning black like the night and leaving me with these. I hadn't seen him since that day we found you in the woods." 

Noah turned away from me, ashamed at the darkness he had let into the world. 

"I can feel the darkness that is in him. I know it is in me too now."

For the first time, I hugged Noah. His bare arms wrapped around me and his face buried itself into the crook of my neck. His strong chest was very firm against mine. I could feel his pain, he thought he was bad. My heart ached to be closer to him, maybe my wolf was the one aching. She had been on my back about mating and marking since he told us. I was still confused about what that all entailed.

"There is no darkness in you babe, you're like the freaking sun." I laughed softly and squeezed him tightly before I let him go, smiling to myself that I had used his nickname for me. 

Noah smirked at me and shrugged his shirt back on, buttoning it up slowly looking at me the whole time. He leaned forward suddenly and kissed my cheek. He moved away quickly and cursed to himself.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that. It's getting harder to not be with you." His voice was cautious. He shook it off and grabbed my hand.  

"Let's go meet your parents, babe. I'm great with father figures." He still held that smirk.

I laughed loudly and grabbed his arm instead, pulling him out the door and down the stairs.  

If only you knew what kind of man my dad is..

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