Chapter 6

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I walked into Ms. Breslin's class, afraid of what embarrassing thing she could say about me for being late. Last week, it was that I was helping the lunch lady find her dog. Seriously, what goes through her mind? Thankfully, she was paying too much attention writing the lesson on the board to notice me walk through the door. Or so I thought.

"Nice of you to join us, Styles. What's the reason this time?" She said, never turning to look at me. I gulped, thinking of a good excuse.

"I got coffee on my shirt. I needed to get a new one. I'm sorry." I quickly said, rushing to my seat, shooting Sonja and Ashton glares when I saw them laughing quietly. I sighed when my butt hit the seat. Even though no one said anything, I was still embarrassed. What girl gets coffee spilled down their shirt by the person they love(I think) and have them insist you wear his sweater all day, possibly getting death stares from my protective older brother? Oh, that's me.

"Hayley? Hello? You in there?" Sonja said, snapping her newly manicured fingers in front of my face. I jumped slightly, the movement breaking my thought process.

"What?" I said quietly, peeking at Ms. Breslin through the screen my hair was currently providing.

"I asked you where you got that sweater?" Sonja asked, slightly annoyed.

"Louis dumped his coffee down my shirt when I collided with him in the hallway, so he gave it to me to cover up the ugly stain." I explained, the memory creeping back into my brain. I left out the part of Louis wanting to ask me something. I did not need my best friend having a heart attack in the middle of History.

"You look smaller than usual in that thing," Ashton pointed out, concentrated on his notebook. He was probably drawing or actually trying to write down whatever was on the board.
I laughed quietly at him, looking down at my body. Sure enough, he was right. The sweater did cover my whole body, making me look like a small child who put on her dad's sweater because she was cold.

"I know, but I don't have another shirt, so this is gonna have to do until I get home." I shrugged.

"What about Harry? Won't he be mad that your wearing his best friend's sweater?" Sonja said, her Australian accent becoming a bit higher, almost like she was afraid for me.

"I'll just tell him what happened next class. It's not like he will get mad. Right?" I answered, now kind of scared of my own response. Sonja had wide eyes, making me freak out even more. I knew she was watching my death play out in her head.

The bell rang, and I swear I felt the tension ease up a bit in the entire room. I picked up my books, rushing out of the classroom, ignoring Sonja's calls. Letting out a breath when I reached my locker. Placing my books neatly inside, I grabbed the next set of books I'll need for the next three periods. Next was Health. Which meant that Louis has to tell me what he wanted to say in the hallway. My hands started shaking and my heart rate increased. Why was I nervous? He's asked me plenty of things before and I never freaked out.

Taking a deep breath, I shut my locker, clutching my books tightly, silently thanking God I didn't have this next class with Sonja. I love her to death, but foreal, she gets on my nerves sometimes.

Stepping into Mr. Collin's classroom, my eyes immediately scanned the room for Louis. I spotted the messy mop of brown hair, smiling internally when I saw he was sitting alone. Sliding into the seat, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hi, Hayley." A deep voice said behind me. I jumped, clutching my throat, choking back a scream. The boy laughed loudly, his howls echoing through the room.

"What do you want, Jerrod?" I managed to say after catching my breath.

He shrugged. "I wanted to know why you're sitting over here and not with me and Anna." His deep voice pierced through my ears. I hated him with a red hot passion. He was labeled the "school's fuck boy" when people found out he was trying to get in girls pants at parties. Apparently, he tried sleeping with a guy when he was drunk before. He never tried getting with me because of Harry. Which, was completely okay with me.  

Anna, was the school bitch. Her dad owns the Fish and Chip shop just up the road from the school. It was the schools "best hangout spot" but in my opinion, people only went because you got free drinks if you were Anna's 'friend.' She acted like she owned the school, always branding who's who, what's what, and where's where. People actually looked up to her. I don't see why. She's horrible. I was never her 'friend,' nor do I want to be.

"I don't like sitting with you guys. I like it over here, where I can actually learn." I stated simply, opening up my notebook. Jerrod scoffed, pushing himself away from my desk, straightening himself.

"I was wondering if you want to come to my party this weekend." He said, pushing his jet black hair away from his hazel eyes. I shook my head, declining his request.

"I have better things to do than get drunk and have you try to sleep with me. Thanks for the offer though." Focusing on my notebook, trying to hide the grin that was threatening to appear on my lips.

"Suit yourself." He said, walking back to where Anna and her clones were seated. I watched Jerrod slide into his seat, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows in thought.

"Why did you say no to Jerrod?" A soft voice whispered behind me. Quickly turning around in my seat, I was facing the boy I had fallen hard for, fidgeting with the strings on the oversized sweater adorning my body.

"I, uh, don't want to go?" I stammered. Seriously, Hayley? That's the best you could do?

Louis laughed at my horrible excuse for an answer, which made me breathe a bit easier.

"I wouldn't want you going to that party anyways. All he wants a chance to sleep with you." He said, eyes widening at what he just said. "I didn't... Mean to make it sound like..." He trailed off, cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

I laughed, waving away his poor attempt to change his answer. It was weird to think that Louis cared about who I went out with. He actually cared.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" I asked, changing the subject. Louis immediately stiffened, swallowing loudly.

"Uh, I was wondering if you-" He was interrupted by Mr. Collins silencing the class. I turned around in my seat, opening my notebook. A piece of paper was softly placed on my desk, with my name addressed on it in neat cursive.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this Friday. -Louis" My eyes widened as I re read the words over and over again. He wanted to go out. With me. A smile found its way onto my lips, permanently placed there. I quickly wrote back, not wanting him to think I was trying to hard.

"I would love too. :) -Hayley" I handed him the paper, watching as he opened the piece of paper, read the words, and smiled brightly at the words I had written. He quickly scrawled something onto the paper before handing it back to me.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven. - Louis" I smiled even bigger, tucking the piece of paper inside my folder. I was so happy. One question burned through my head though.

What is Harry going to think?

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now