Chapter 7

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Harry was going to be pissed. There was no way he was going to let me go out with Louis on Saturday. He wouldn't let me go out with Sonja on a school day. Overprotective brothers I swear.

The day went by in a blur. All that was running through my mind was the date. What was gonna happen, what he's gonna wear, what am I going to wear?

When the bell rang, signaling school was let out, I rushed out of the classroom, trying to find my best friend. Finding her at her locker, I ran up to her and Ashton, only to see her throwing her books inside her locker, muttering curse words under her breath, and Ashton rubbing her back in a soothing way.

"Hey, dude. Everything okay?" I asked, opening my locker, placing my own books inside it.

Sonja groaned, leaning into Ashton's body, rolling her head to look at me. It wasn't a look, more like a glare. My heart sped up, afraid I did something wrong.

"It's nothing you did. Promise." She assured me, making my heart return to it's natural pace. I let out a sigh of relief, wiping away fake beads of sweat from my forehead in an attempt to make her laugh. When it didn't work, I knew she was really upset about something.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I pushed, looking from her to Ashton.  He looked just as confused as I felt. Even though they've been together about a year, she still fails at the communication portion of the relationship.

"So, I was in class when my mom texted me. Apparently, my cousin is coming to stay with us for a while. That's not reason I'm pissed off. My mom failed to tell me why and when she's coming." She said, glowering at the mirror in her locker.

Sonja isn't one for surprises. I remember when we were 9, her mom had thrown her a surprise birthday party. She was so mad that when the clown came out, she punched him in the stomach and pulled off his wig, stomping it in a muddy puddle. After that, no one has ever surprised her again.

"Why can't you just ask your cousin when she's coming?" Ashton asked, playing with the loose strands of his girlfriend's hair. She sighed loudly, turning to glare at him.

"I don't have her number. I deleted it after we got in a huge fight. I haven't spoken to her since." She explained.

"How long ago was this fight?" I interjected, not liking the awkward silence.

"I don't even remember. Maybe months?" She shrugged, slinging her purse over her shoulder. Repeating her actions, I followed her out to the car park, where I waited patiently as her and Ashton said their goodbyes.

Ashton is the star player of everything that involves sports. Football, soccer, baseball, basketball. You name it, he plays it. Very well, if I may add. Sonja and I, we're not all that athletic. We dance. I was in dance classes and she had come to one of my recitals and decided she wanted to join. 4 years later, we're the top dancers in our class.

"I love you too. Don't hurt yourself." Sonja said quietly, pressing her lips onto Ashton's quickly, then running to where I was waiting patiently by my car. She slid in the passengers seat, while I got in the drivers seat. My phone buzzed. I pulled my phone from my purse, reading the words over and over.

"I'll give you one hint. Wear a dress. :) -Lou."

Shoving my phone back into my purse, I turned my car on and put it in reverse, quickly pulling out of the school.

"What did the text say?" Sonja asked. I glanced at her, adverting my eyes to the road quickly.

"It was from Louis. He said to wear a dress. That was the only hint." I said, pulling into my driveway. We climbed out and trudged up my drive. Opening the door I was met by my brother sucking a girls face off.

I slammed the door, making the two jump away from each other, a blush creeping on their cheeks. Sonja gasped, dropping her purse into the floor in shock.

"Mary?" She whispered, staring at the red headed girl. I'm guessing that was her cousin.

"Hey, Sonja. Hi, Hayley." She said simply, standing up. She wasn't very tall, but she was gorgeous. Her bright red hair stopped just below her shoulders, her blue eyes shining brightly. Her slightly swollen lips had showed that her and my brother had been making out for a very long time.

"Well, hello to you too." I said, smiling slightly at her, only to look behind her, shooting a glare at Harry. He bit his lip, nervously looking at me.

"Why are you here?" Sonja spit angrily, crossing her arms over her chest.

Mary, now full on blushing, was staring at the floor, probably trying to find the right answer.

"Your mom said you'd be coming here after school, and she gave me directions. I was waiting outside for you guys when Harry came home and let me in." She explained.

"Well, that was some thank you." Sonja said, glaring at Mary. She shrunk back, adverting her gaze to the floor instead of meeting mine or Sonja's eyes.

"Well, Harry, can I speak to you?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound as sweet as possible. He nodded, standing up and following me into the kitchen.

"What's up, sis?" He asked, sitting on one of the stools.

"Don't 'what's up sis' me. Why would you do that?" I whispered, trying not to lose my cool. He wore a relaxed look on his face which made me want to slap him. When he shrugged, I noticed he had a tiny bruise forming on his neck. I glared at the spot, making him freeze and slap his hand over it, wincing at the contact. Served him right.

"You can't just go making out with random girls. I'm pretty Sonja is planning your death right now. Probably Mary's as well. So, I hope you lived a good life." I explained, playing with an apple. He sighed, putting his head on the counter.

"I didn't know she was Sonja's cousin." He answered after a few moments of silence.

"So, you just invite random girls into our house and make out with them? Seriously, even for you, that was stupid." I said, placing the apple back into it's bowl. He lifted his head up, shooting me a glare.

"You know I would never do that. Plus, she kissed me first." He clarified. I shook my head, dropping the subject. I guess it was now or never to tell him about the Louis thing. What's the worst that can happen? I just walked in on him making out with my best friend's cousin.

"I know Louis asked you out. I gave him permission to." He said, looking at me. My jaw fell open with an audible pop. Harry chuckled. "Don't worry about it though. I'm not upset. but if he hurts you, I won't hesitate to kick him in the balls." He said sternly, pointing a finger at me. I laughed, still in shock from his answer.

"Will do. Thanks for being so cool about it, Harry," I said, hugging him. His fingers ruffled my hair, and I felt him chuckle. "Oh, and if I see you with Mary again, I won't hesitate to tell Kirsten." I threatened. His hand fell from my head and he narrowed his eyes.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, brother, I would. Respect Sonja, her wishes, and don't touch Mary. Because I won't hold her back when she comes at you with a knife." I pushed, narrowing my eyes as well.

"I promise not to touch Mary again." He said, placing his large hand onto his chest. I nodded in approval, turned and walked out of the kitchen, only to see Sonja on top of Mary, yelling at her.

Quickly running up to the girls, I pulled them apart, keeping a strong hold on Sonja. Mary tried coming after her, I grabbed her by the hair just before she could grab her cousin. Sonja was yelling curse words at the girl, just as the boys walked inside. Ashton was the first one to walk through the door, saw the fight, and was quick to wrap his arms around his girlfriend, ignoring the kicks and screaming from her. Niall ran to grab Mary, also ignoring her thrashes.

Once the girls had calmed down, The boys had gently placed them on the floor as I plopped onto the couch in defeat. It was silent besides the occasional quiet threats coming from the girls. Geez, they were acting like children. Feeling the couch dip beside me, I fixed my gaze on the boy sitting next to me. His blue eyes met mine, and I felt my heart literally skip a beat. He smiled down at me showing a row of white teeth.

"How long have you been dealing with this?" Louis asked, gesturing towards my best friend and her cousin, who were now silently glaring at each other.

"Not very long, maybe a couple minutes before you guys all walked in. Good timing, by the way." I shrugged. He nodded, turning his attention to his phone. I peeked over, seeing a fancy restaurant name I probably would never be able to pronounce in my life. Maybe that's why he wanted me to wear a dress. We're going to that restaurant! I hope I don't mess things up.

I'm hoping Harry doesn't find it weird that his best friend is taking his little sister on a date.

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now