Chapter 13

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I walked into school with a content smile on my face. I kept getting strange stares from the passing kids because it's 7:30 AM and I'm smiling like a bloody idiot.

Opening the heavy doors, I shuffled inside the building and headed to my locker.

"Hey, Hayles. How was your night?" Mary asked cheerfully, opening her locker, placing her things inside.

"Great." I shrugged. She gave me a weird look.

"What?" I asked, shoving my bag inside the tiny space. She smirked at me. Oh. My eyes widened.

"No no no! Me and Lou didn't do anything! He didn't even stay over." I explained, shaking my head furiously. Mary sighed, shutting her locker.

"He better ask you out at the dance or I'm demanding a refund." She said, looking over at me. I laughed, walking to the benches that were placed outside the doors. Mary followed me, sitting a fair distance away.

"Sonja is skipping today because Ashton leaves for a few months." She said, looking at her hands.

"Why is he leaving?" I asked, turning to face her.

"You know how he's been in a band?" She asks and I nod. "Well the band Hot Chelle Rae is touring Australia and wants his band to open for them. They leave for Aus tomorrow." She explains. I smile, knowing that this could mean big things for them.

"That's awesome! But how long will they be gone?" I ask, remembering the dance is in a few weeks.

Mary shrugs. "I think it's like a month long.." She says. My smile fades because Ash will be gone for the dance.

"Oh, that's terrible. Sonja must be torn up." I say, pulling out my phone. Mary nods.

"She is. She spent all night on the phone with him holding her dress and crying." She says.

I look down at my phone and see I have a missed call from Louis. I smile, slide my finger across the tiny screen and press the phone to my ear. He picks up after 3 rings.

"Hey there!" He says cheerfully, making me smile.

"Hey, why did you call?" I ask.

"I wanted to know if you could come pick me up. My car died." He chuckles nervously.

"Why didn't you call Haz?" I ask him, looking over at Mary who is looking at me with confusion lacing her features.

"He had to go pick up Zayn because his mum took his car away." He explains. I nod, standing up and walking over to my locker.

"Alright. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I say.

"Thank you so much. See you soon." Louis says, hanging up. I chuckle, grabbing my keys from my bag.

"I'll be back. I gotta go get Louis. His car died." I say to Mary. She laughs and nods.

"Okay, I'll see ya later." She says, waving me off as I turn and walk out of the school. I hope this won't make me late.

I get in my car, turn on the engine and speed out of the school parking lot in fear of being late. As I speed down the street, my mind starts to wander. I think about everything. Why Zayn got his car privileges revoked, why Lou's car died, how Ashton and his band will do in Australia on tour, how Sonja will deal with the separation anxiety, even about Niall asking Mary to the dance.

Soon enough I see an older looking gray house a couple blocks away. Smiling, I speed up a little as I approach the old house, I see Louis standing at the end of the driveway, smiling widely as I get closer.

I pull all the way up to his house, unlocking the doors so he can get in. Once he's all buckled in, I pull away from his house and back towards the school.

"How come your car died?" I asked, breaking the silence and glanced at him.

"Liam was being stupid and left my lights on all night. My mum is getting someone to come jump start it later then take it to the shop." He explains, chuckling a little. Nodding, I slow down a little, wanting to spend more time with Lou.

We do have classes together, but we can barely get any hang out. Plus I've never driven him anywhere.

Louis turns on the radio, starts messing with the buttons to change the radio station, opens the windows, locks and unlocks the car doors. Hm, no wonder why he prefers to drive, it gives him something to do. He then proceeds to poke my face, arm, and legs.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, giggling when he prods my side. He shrugs, continuing to poke me.

"How much longer till we get to school?" He asks, now tracing shapes into my upper thigh. I shiver at the touch, moving my leg a little. The car jolted to the left at the movement, earning a small shriek from me. Louis laughed loudly, removing his hand. The lack of touch made my thigh cold.

After driving in silence and trying to calm my speeding heart down, Louis speaks.

"Do we have to go school?"

I turn to look at him quickly, giving him the 'are you stupid?' Face.

"Of course we have to go, Lou." I answer, turning down the street and towards the school.

"We don't have to go..." He drags on, peaking my interest just a little.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"I'll tell you, but only if you let me drive." He says. I nod, pulling the car into a coffee shop. We jump out, switching places. He buckles in, turns the key, and pulls out of the parking lot. He starts driving away from the school, turning to me and grinning. My heart stopped, my mind was telling me that it was okay to skip one day. Especially when it was with the one you fell in love with. But my body wanted to jump out of the car, reason being: I shouldn't be ditching with my brother's best friend.

"Today shall be awesome." He says quietly, probably more to himself than to me.

What have I gotten myself into?

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now