Chapter 11

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When I woke up the next morning, I had to literally force myself out of my bed. I was dead. I felt like a zombie. Coughing, I stood up, letting my bare feet pad across the soft carpet of my room.

I walked past Harry's room, peeking inside to see if he was hidden under his blankets. He wasn't.

"Haz?" I called out, receiving no answer. The house was extremely quiet for 6am. Mum must be at work. Shrugging off the small worry, I walked into my kitchen, grabbing a granola bar. I caught sight of the time and nearly dropped my breakfast. It was 10:30am.

"No, no, no! I couldn't have overslept!" I said to myself as I ran back up the stairs, nearly tripping over myself as I grabbed pieces of clothing, ripping off the shorts and tank top I was wearing currently and replaced them with a skirt and a graphic tee shirt. Running a brush through my hair, I grabbed my phone, pressing the home button, watching as the screen lit up with missed calls and texts from Sonja, Mary, and Harry. I ran back downstairs , brushed my teeth quickly, jammed on a pair of wedges, and I was off to school.

When I parked in the school, I ran out of my car and up the sidewalk, only to fall flat on my face. Well ow. Today was just not my day.

Picking myself up from the ground, I was met by a pair of deep brown eyes looking at me in concern. Smiling sheepishly at the boy, a deep blush covered my cheeks as I brushed myself off and heaved myself from the ground.

The boy continued to stare at me. I gave him a look back, not sure if he was trying to process that a girl just fell on her face walking into the school, or he was new and kinda freaked.

"Can I help you?" I asked him, walking closer to him. The boy backed up, fear in his eyes. Confused, I took another step towards him, and again, he took a step back, almost like he was afraid of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked again, staying firm in my place, afraid that he might run away if I it took another step. He shook his head, adjusted his backpack, turned and left the school. I watched him disappear around the corner, the boy didn't look back at all. He just ran. I shook it off as I walked into my current class. Health. The one class I had with Louis. I smiled as I saw him, and I quietly slid into the desk next to him.

"Hi. How was your night?" I asked him happily, digging in my bag for a pencil and paper. When I found them, I looked up at him, and he had the same look of fear on his face just as the boy did.

"Is there something on my face?" I laughed, wiping off whatever was on my face. "Better?" I asked, but Louis still had that horror struck look on his face. Okay, now it was getting weird. First, the random boy and now Louis? Something's up. My hand instinctively went for his shoulder, but it went right through him, almost like a holligram. I stared at my hand, then back up to where Louis was supposed to be, only he wasn't there.

"Okay, very funny Lou. You can stop messing around now." I said, laughing. The room was eerily quiet, and the remnants of my laughter echoed through the room. Where did everyone go?

Fishing my phone out of my purse, I called the person who would know what's going on. No answer. I tried again. Again, no answer.

"God dammit Ashton, pick up!" I yelled, voice shaking. I wasn't just afraid, I was angry that no one was telling me what was going on.

Packing my stuff into my bag again, I ran out of the creepy room and into the empty halls, making a beeline for the doors. Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran out of the school and into the parking lot. My car was the only one still in it's spot. I climbed in, screaming and hitting the steering wheel in anger. A sob broke from my lips, and the tears fell like rain from my eyes.

When I got home, I opened the door and slowly walked inside my house. Sighing, I plopped onto the couch, laying my head against the back of it. Suddenly, I was being shaken, someone yelling in my ear.

My eyes shot open, being met with Bright blue eyes, looking at me with fear. I clutched my chest, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. Louis just stared at me like I was the crazy person in who belonged in a physco ward. Tears continued to drip from my eyes. I didn't stop them because I knew it would start all over again.

"Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep." He finally spoke, voice hoarse. I only nodded, finally wiping off the tears that ran down my (probably red) cheeks. Louis didn't say anything for a minute, opened his mouth as to ask me something, then shut it again. I ignored the whole thing, the only problem I worried about was that freaky ass dream or nightmare I just had. Not really thinking of a reason, I pulled the blankets from my sweaty body, standing up. Louis had his eyes on me the entire time.

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked him. He shrugged, playing with the stuffed animal that was currently in his lap.

"I got bored at home, so I came over to see if Harry wanted to hang out. I just found out he's with Niall tux shopping for the dance." Louis explained. I nodded.

"Why didn't you go with them? Or meet them there?" I questioned.

He shrugged again. "I don't really like shopping for tuxes." He answered, laughing a bit. Huh, makes me wonder what he's going to wear to the dance.

"Did you know that Niall is planning on asking Mary to the dance?" Louis asked me, looking up at me with excitement.

"Yes I did. Mary is going to be so happy when he does! How is he planning on asking her? I mean, they don't have any classes together." I replied, fixing my makeup. I'm kinda glad he woke me up from that dream, but at the same time, I'm upset he doesn't want to talk about it.

"He's planning on asking her at the game tomorrow. Well, that's what he told me." He said. I nodded, putting on some eyeliner and brushing my hair at the same time. Please don't ask, I'm very talented.

"I know she's going to be really happy about that." I said, walking over to him. Louis stood up, wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing my closer. My hands rested on his chest, his heart thumping against my palms. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. My chest almost touched his, and I'm guessing he knew this because he tightened his arms, bringing me closer to him until our chests did touch. I stared into his bright blue eyes, sighing in content.

"What?" He asked, turning his head to the side in confusion.

"Nothing. I just like this." I answered, resting my head against his chest. I could stay in the position forever, if we're being completely honest.

I was so happy he chose me to take to homecoming.

-Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy! I tried making it longer, sorry if the beginning made no sense. But I promise that it will come together in the end! Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads! 3K! You guys are the best! Love you all!

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Stay golden! Xoxo, Erica!

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now