Chapter 9

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My alarm clock sounded, scaring the absolute shit out of me. After shooting up out from the protection of the giant mound of blankets I had managed to crawl into last night, I rubbed my eyes, looking tiredly around my room. It had been cleaned since Sonja and Mary had been here, which wasn't a bad thing at all, it needed to be cleaned.

After my long, relaxing shower, I decided aganist dressing all "Me" today. Throwing my hair up in a messy ponytail and putting on a sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants, I was ready. Shoving my feet in a pair of boots, I walked down stairs to see my mum sitting on the couch, sipping her coffee and staring the TV.

"Hey mum." I said simply, sitting down next to her.

"Hi sweetheart." She replied, sipping at her mug and smiling at me. She looked exhausted. Not the "I've had a long day at work" exhausted, but the "I haven't slept in days" exhausted. I felt bad for her to be honest. If dad hadn't have walked out on us, I dont think that she would have to take as many shifts at the hospital. I tried to help her out, but she would say, "Hayley, you're still a kid. You shouldn't have to worry about the finiancial problems, leave that to me."

I sighed at the memory, sadly looking at my mum. She had droopy eyes, her hair was a mess, and she looked like she needed days of sleep. Her outfit was wrinkled and her shoes were untied. She lazily took a sip from her mug, returning her attention back to the tv. Her shoulders were slouched, she looked like it was a task just to hold her head up.

"Mum, you should get some sleep." I suggested, takinig the mug from her hands. She looked tiredly at me, shaking her head slowly.

"Hayley, I wish I could, but I can't. I have to go to work in an hour. I'll sleep when I get home. Promise." She said, standing up and pressing a lazy kiss to my forehead.

"You should probably go to school before you're late. I love you and I'll see you when you come home." She said, walking into her bedroom and quielty closing the door, leaving me alone on the couch. I checked my phone, eyes almost bulging out iof my head when i saw the time. 7:50. School starts in ten minutes! Rushing up the stairs. I grabbed my bag, almost falling down my stairs. Running out the door, I ran to my car. Jumping inside, not caring if it was warmed up, I backed out and sped down the road towards the school.

Once I pulled into the parking lot of the school, I was met by Sonja, Ashton, and (Mary?) who were standing at the end of the sidewalk, with angry glares on their faces. Inwardly, goraning to myself, I turned my car off, stepped out into the cold breeze, and walked up to where my friends were waitng. I cringed away fromtheir stares, walking slowly past them and into the school. They silently followed behind me, surrounding me around my locker.

"You never told us how the date went." Sonja and Mary said simultaneously, crossing their arms acros their chests.

"I was too tired after to tell anybody about it, sorry." I said, shrugging. I turned my attention to my locker. spinning the numbers and opening my locker. Someone cleared their throat loudly, making me jump a bit. I glared at Mary, and all she did was smile innocently. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my books from my locker, slamming it shut in annoyance, groaning. Can't they just let things be the way they are and not get into them? Of course not, that would be too hard for them and if we're being completely honest here, their lives would be pretty boring.

"Wait, why is Mary at school? She doesn't even go here." I changed the subject, putting all the attention on the red head who was walking next to Ashton. Sonja shurgged, grabbing Ashton's hand, linking their fingers together.

"My mom decided that she was going to live with us, and she can't just no go toschool. So bam, here she is. You're changing the subject, tell us how the date went!" She replied, lightly smacking my arm. I swear, if she was't my best friend, I would've hit her back.

"Fine. The date went fine. Louis took me out to dinner and we went for a short walk. He took he home and he kissed me-" Sonja interrupted, smacking my arm repeatedly, each time getting harder.

"He kissed you and you didnt get interrupted? Woahhhhhhh." She guhsed, making Ashton laugh. Rolling my eyes, I smiled at her, blushing a bit at the memory.

"Yes he kissed me and yes we weren't interrupted. After a while though, Harry came out and broke it up. But I still liked it." I smiled. Just like on cue, my brother and his group of friends came running up behind us, making almost all of us scream in fear. Ashton didn't scream but he lookd a bit frightened. Harry laughed loudly, wrapping his arm loosely around my shoulders.

"What's up baby sis?" He asked, a smile sloppily placed on his face. What was he so happy about?

"Walking to my class? Like you should be doing, since your class is on the other end of the school."
I answered, giving him a stupid face. He laughed, throwing his head back. If he throws his head back one more time, his neck was gonna fall off.

"I'm over here to see somebody, actually. But you should get to class before you're late again. I'm pretty sure that mom is tired of getting phone calls from the school." He replied, giving me a stern look. I huffed, looking over his group of friends, trying to find Louis. He wasn't there. That's weird, he's always in school. Why would'nt he show up today? Maybe he was sick. I shurgged, letting my mind wander off a bit, trying not to get too worried about it.

Ashton cleared his throat, gripping my shoulder, leading Sonja, Mary and I away from my brother. I guess the person he had to see was probably the girl he's been texting nonstop all weekend. Yes, I keep up with what my brother does.

"I was talking to my brother." I said, grumpily crossing my arms and glaring at Ashton. He laughed a little, rolled his eyes and led us to Ms. Breslin's classroom. Finding our seats, we were a few minutes early, so we got the good seats near the back.

"Do you know where Louis is?" I asked, breaking the silence. They all shook their heads, confusion written over their faces.

"Why do you wanna know?" Sonja asked, pulling her notebook and pencil out from her purse. I shrugged, not sure of how to answer that question.

"I wanted to thank him for the date in person." I finally said, fiddling with the eraser top of my pencil.

"Didn't he come over to hang out with Hary?" Mary asked. I shook my head, adverting my eyes to the design of the desktop.

"After Saturday, he hasn't texted or called me or Haz. I'm actually pretty scared." I said. My hands started to sweat and my heart started pounding. What if something did happen to Louis? He could've gotten in a bad accident, or maybe he was sick? I know I said I wasn't going to get all worked up about it, but he did just take me out on a date, and since then he hasn't spoken to me. That's something to worry about. Let's just hope he was sick.

One can always hope, right?

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now