Chapter 18

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Sometimes I wondered why I had friends. Sometimes I wondered why pepole wanted to be near me and actually hang out with me. I wondered about a lot of things. Most imprtantly, I wondered why Louis was even fighting to be with me. Its not like we had a legit relationship, we were just friends. Now we weren't anything because of my big headed brother. Harry never butted in my other relationships, or should I say relationship. I've only ever been in one relationship and that lasted probably about month or two. It was a couple years ago, so its long forgotten. I wasnt sure if Mary's plan would work, but I was gonna try it just to be safe.

"So, you know what you have to do?" Mary explained, checking her phone for any texts. I nodded, earning a grunt of apporval from the ginger on the floor. She turned her full attention back to her phone when it vibrated. Sonja started laughing, taking a spoon full of her ice cream tub. i smiled, taking a bite out of my ice cream sandwhich.

"Are you actually going to go through with this plan?" Sonja finally asked, breaking the silence. Shrugging, I finished my ice cream, throwing the wrapper across the room. Sonja saw and slapped my arm. "Go pick that up and put it where it belongs. Now." She demanded, raising her eyebrows at me. Laughing, I walked over to the abandoned wrapper and threw it in the bin next to her cluttered desk. No wonder she can never find her homework. Its probably buried underneath all of the magazines and makeup samples.

I returned to my spot on her bed, looking at my phone. Not one text, or calls appered on my screen. I sighed loudly, which ended with a groan.

"I hate my brother. If it were possible to send to him to a remote island off the coast of egypt, do you think it would work out?" I thought outloud, staring up at Sonja's pink ceiling. The room was quiet for a fraction of a second, before it was filled with giggles and belly grabbing laughter. I didnt think it was all that funny, but I guess my idea was quickly shot down due to the laughter coming from both of them.

"You really don't like Harry right now." Mary mused, wiping tears from her eyes. I nodded, glaring at my blank phone screen which should be filling up with texts and calls from Louis. It wasn't and that was enough to send me on a frenzy. I needed to go through with Mary's plan, no matter what the consiquence was. I need to get Louis back.

*A week Later*

The week of the dance was finally here, and it was time to start the plan. I wasn't sure how this plan would go, but right now I didn't care.

"I don't know how dressing like a slut will help me get back at Harry.." I complained, watching Mary and Sonja raid through my closet, looking for something "sexy" to wear to school.

"Trust me, darling. The plan is full proof and this shall help you get back at Harry and might possibly get Louis to fight for you again." Mary said, walking out my closet holding a mini skirt and and a crop top. She thrusted them into my hands, smiling at me like a proud mother.

"Go get changed." Sonja instructed, shoving me towards the bathroom. I stumbled in, and when I was fully inside the bathrooom, the door was slammed behind me. Jumping in surprise, I got changed, slowly pulling up the material that was a skirt, I Studied it. It was purple, with little stars scattered around it. Next was the shirt. It wasnt as bad as the skirt, in my opinion. The skirt covered most of my bottom, leaving about half of my thighs to be shown. The shirt was white with paint splatters on it. The only thing that was terrible was that it was a v-neck and it showed off a good portion of my black bra I was currently wearing. I rolled my eyes as I left the bathroom, watching Sonja and Mary look at me with the hugest smiles streching across their faces.

"Please stop straing at me like that. Its creepy." I shuddered, covering my chest with crossed arms.

"Oh come on, its not everyday you look hot, Hayls. Now come on, we still have some work to do." Sonja said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the room I was just in. she pushed me onto a stool and began to work on my hair, while Mary started to cover my face with foundation. About 30 minutes later, they set their tools down, taking a step back to inspect their work. Mary clapped her hands in approval, looking from me to Sonja every few seconds, her grin getting wider everytime she looked at me.

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now