Chapter 19

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"You've been in your room for the past 3 days. This cannot be normal." I heard a voice say, before they threw a pillow at my head. I groaned at the sudden contact, pulling the blankets farther up my face. Its true though, I've been hiding, much rather wallowing in self pity and heartbreak for the last few days. Everyone knows why too, if I saw Louis, I was sure to have another breakdown. Or worse, I'll bash Eleanor's face in with a brick. I know what you're saying right now, "Hayley, you're not a violent person. You couldn't kill a bug without crying because they might have a nasty little bug famlily that you're possibly going to ruin." This is different. I want to hurt Eleanor, make her feel the pain I have gotten from Louis.

"Come on, Hayls, you have to go to school today. No arguments. Get dressed. Now." That was Haz's voice. He seemed angry, with some hurt lacing his voice. So he has a heart. That's different.

"No. I don't want to go back. Not until the dance hype is over and Eleanor is Louis' girlfriend. Because you know it's going to happen. They're going to be happy, get married and have beautiful little girls in their little 3 bedroom cottage on the ouskirts of London." I whined, trying to get that image out of my brain. Harry groaned, throwing his hands in the air in exsaperation.

"Hayley, he made his decision. Its time you did too. Ask someone else to the dance. LIfe goes on." He stated, leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't want to go to the dance with anybody else but him. I love him, Harold. And you wanna know something? You ruined love for me. So, are you happy now? You ruined what actually kept me happy." I yelled, throwing the covers over my face, wanting to bury myself in the wool material.

"Hayley, I'm so soryy I hurt you. I didn't know that me taking Eleanor to the dance had some kind of effect on you." A voice whispered, muffled by my blanket clad face. My heart stopped, dropped and rolled down my body. What was he doing here? Why was he telling me this? Why is he saying these things to me? I was frozen. My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen. Throwing the blanket away from me, I tried to stop the tears from fallig when I caught sight of his gorgeous face.

"What happened to fighting? What happened to always being there ven though Harry didn't approve? Tell me, Louis. Then I'll move on. For good." I said, holding back a violent sob. Louis tensed up, sighed, then walked into my room so he could see my tear stained face. Pain wracked his features when he saw me. My hair hasnt been touched since that day, my face was probably puffy from the crying and my makeup had dried onto my face, also untouched as a reminder from that horrible day.

"I admit, I gave up. Only because Harry had told me to. He told me that you were happier without me, and that I would break your heart." Which you did you ass. "I told him none of that was true and that I was in love with you. he told to let you go, as hard as that was. So I found a distraction. Eleanor was only a mere fling. I want nobody but you, Hayls. I Love You." Louis said, tears filling up his gorgeous green blue eyes. My mouth went dry. Did he just. He said the words. The three words that can change the entire universe for one person. Louis Tomlinson loves me. Wow.

I shook my head, standing up. "You can't say those words to me right now. You're with Eleanor now. By the way, what are you even doing here?"

"Harry needed a ride into school today." He answered, stepping closer to me, causing me to instantly step back, leaning away from him as I did. My eyes locked with my brother's and he gave me a tight nod before turning and leaving the room, making the air more stuffy and hard to breathe in.

"Tell me you're done with Eleanor." I whispered, looking at my carpet. This is an intervention. Plus we're late for school. Oh well, I wasn't planning on going anyways. Louis sighed, coming closer to me. I didn't move. I couldn't move. My legs felt like they were glued to that spot, as I felt Lou's body heat radiate from him.

"I can't do that. I have to take her to the dance now or people will talk." He explained. So now everything was about his reputation? He didn't want to be known as the school's man whore. I couldn't put a finger on the pulse but I'm sure if I tried to find it, it would have something to do with the fact that Louis 'ended things.'

"So you are still going to the dance with her?" I laughed bitterly. "Okay. Answer me this."


"Why the hell are you here?" I crossed my arms, trying to hold myself together.

Louis shrugged. He. Freaking. Shrugged. Then something else happened, something I couldn't quite figure out why, either. His eyes went from a soft green to a cold, dark green. In a split second.

It felt like my world was crashing and burning around me, again. Why was he doing this? Why me? Why would he try so hard then just give up like that? Just, why?

So many questions, no answers to them. My chest heaved, and I was on the floor. Tears exploded from my eyes, for the second time that day. My sobs got louder and soon they were mixed with screams. My fists were banging on the ground where Louis' feet were, I had officially broke down, and I hated every second of it.

"Hayley, Hayley! Wake up! Please!" I heard a voice hell from a distance. My eyes shot open and I was met by a pair of green eyes filled with worry and curls hitting my face, as Harry was shaking my shoulders, trying to snap me out of whatever nightmare I was having. He relaxed when I had finally caught my breath, letting my muscles unwind themselves and the hair fall away from my eyes.

"It was all just a dream." I whispered, sitting up to find Louis standing at the doorway, looking at me with worry.

It was all just a dream.

A/N: HEY! long time no see? Sorry about the wait, school had me super busy! I graduate in a couple of months and things are just starting to speed up! Anyways! Please don't kill me for this! I needed a twist and let's be honest, it would've been cliche if I made Louis go to the dance and basically cheat on Hayley. I hope I didn't scare any of you guys! Comment your thoughts! Vote! And tell your friends! I'm gonna try to update regularly!

Stay golden,

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now