Chapter 15

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-Mary's POV-

Sonja is gone for the day, Hayley left and said she would be back in a few minutes, obviously she lied to me. So now what do I do? I can't go home because no ones there to keep me company. I guess I'll hang out with Harry and his friends since all my friends decided to ditch me.
I walked into my art class, grabbing the things I needed before going to finish my project. It's a painting of a turtle in the sunset. I started painting the shell of the turtle when a hand appears in front of my face, scaring the absolute shit out of me.

"Holy crap! Who are you and why are you putting your hand by my face?" I asked to the mysterious hand that is still pointing to the shell of my turtle.

"I just like the design you put in each square." The deep Irish voice that I knew and loved oh so dearly spoke. I diverted my eyes to the swirls and shapes I had added to the shell to give the animal some character.

"Oh, thanks. I thought he should be different from the other turtles I drew." I whispered, blushing a little.

"He? I didn't know you named him." Niall said, chuckling.

"Yeah, I named him Rory, because he's different and that's not a common name." I laughed, pushing some hair back behind my ears and starting my painting again. Niall pulled up a chair beside me and I thank god he placed the heart inside the body because it would be hella awkward if Niall could see how hard and fast it's beating right now.

"Listen, Mary. I uh, wanted to ask you something,"He stuttered, playing the little hairs at the nape of his neck. Gosh, I don't know why that's so adorable but it is. I nodded, motioning him to continue. He swallowed, looking from me to my picture, and back to me.

"Do you, um, want to go to homecoming with me? I know it should be more spontaneous and romantic but I'm already nervous enough and I really like you-" I silenced his rambling by pressing my lips to his cheek, which, might I add, heated quickly.

"I would love to go to the dance with you, Niall." I smiled, showing off my dimples which I'm sure made him melt.

We chatted for the rest of the period, when the bell rang, he carried my backpack from class to my locker. How sweet!

The rest of school consisted of Niall being a gentleman and carrying my bag and books to my classes, buying me lunch and walking me home.

"Well, this is where our perfect day ends," I sighed, dramatically leaning against the door.

"Hey silly, we still have tomorrow and the dance." The blonde boy laughed, sending goosebumps up and down my body. I hate the effect he has on me but at the same time i love it ever so much.

"Okay, Niall. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at him. He smiled in response, turned and walked down my drive to his car. Sighing, I opened the door, practically falling in the process. Bursting out in giggles, I bolted upstairs, throwing my bag on the floor then throwing myself onto my bed, covering my face with my pillow and screaming into it.

"Why all the muffled screams? I'm trying to eat my weight in ice cream." Sonja said, walking into my room. She looked terrible. Her hair was a mess, makeup was all over her face, and she was wearing baggy clothes. She misses Ashton.

"My news can wait for right now. What's up?" I asked her, inviting her to sit on my bed. She slowly trudged across the room, heavily sitting on my bed.

"Ashton left today, And now I don't have a date to the dance. I have to g alone." She sighed, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You could go with a friend. I don't think Ashton will mind. Are you gonna skype his later?" I asked, patting her head but more in an attempt to calm the epic frizz.

Sighing again, she picked her head up. "His flight is 14 hours. By the time he gets off and settled into his hotelx, it'll be too late, he'll be tired and I'll be asleep."

I hated to say it but it was true. I rubbed her back soothingly, relaxing her muscles at the touch of my hand. This will be a long month I can already see it. Unless I can somehow get them back to England before the dance.

"Wanna watch Netflix?" I asked, grabbing my computer from underneath my bed. I wanted to tell Sonja about Niall asking me to the dance, but right now didn't seem like the time to do it. So why not cheer her up with some movies?

We spent the rest of the night watching cheesy romantic movies and eating our lives away in ice cream. Why a better way to spend the night with one of my best friends.

I hope Hayley is okay and her date thing or whatever she went on was fun and I'll tell them together.

My Brothers Best Friend(Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now