Chapter XV

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"Get off!" I yell, "I can't breathe!" I flail my arms trying to get one of them to budge. I can feel my face turning red as the oxygen is slowly being squished out of my lungs.

I feel the load lighten as Luke gets off and tells the others to do so too. Finally, when the only force applied to me is the surrounding air, I take a deep breath and try to return my face to its normal colour.

This sends the boys into hysterics and soon they're all either lying on the floor or on the couch laughing at me.

Once I've regained my breath, I look around. I recognise Matt and Alex, but there's a face that I haven't seen before.

He notices me looking at him and sticks out his hand, "Hi, I'm Damien."

"Hi Damien, well that was definitely a memorable way of meeting you!" I crack a joke, hoping to make him feel at least a little embarrassed.

It works as a blush creeps onto his face and he scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry probably not the most ideal, but the guys did it so I joined in."

"No worries," I laugh, "Now I won't ever forget you."

He has a chuckle at that and gets up off the floor. Everyone introduces themselves to Justin and Lexi tells them about how we met him.

Alex also stands up, "So what you guys doing?"

"We were just finishing the Conjuring and watching Mia squirm. Let's finish it and then we can go downstairs to the game room."

"I still haven't seen this game room you all are talking about so it better be worth the wait, yeah?" I add, pulling my top down that was lifted in the doggy pile.

"Ah, Meems! You're taking away their main source of attraction by straightening your shirt, hey Matt," Lexi chimes in, a smirk crossing her face.

Within seconds Matt's face is bloodshot, "Um ... uhhhh ... Lex was that really necessary for you to point out?" He looks at her, avoiding my eyes at all costs.

I let out a snort at that, "Sorry to disappoint Matt but all you would have seen is my sports bra."

Lexi and I both burst out laughing as his face goes almost maroon, I didn't even know that that was possible.

The guys all soon join in while Matt just stomps over to a couch and sits down, ignoring everyone's humorous looks.

Luke presses play on the movie once everyone has squished onto the three couches, even still Alex sits on the floor after trying to lie across Luke, Damien and I.

The movie isn't as bad at the end as I am more focused on the horror showing across Matt's face and his reactions than I am to the movie.

When the movie ends, I look over at Lexi and she is cuddled into Justin's arm. She catches me looking at her and gives me a small smile and a wink.

"Okay, can everyone stop having some lovely dovey moments? Let's go downstairs cause I'm ready to kiss some ass baby!" Matt yells, jumping up and fights the air, swinging a kick around only to hit and table and scream in pain.

We all end up laughing as his whimpering continues.

"It's not fair! Why am I the only one who ever gets hurt?" He whines.

"Cause you're the only one who does stupid stuff like that!" Damien points out, still laughing and clutching his sides.

"Na uh! Alex does stuff like that all the time!" He complains, sounding like a two year old who got caught stealing a cookie.

"It's not stupid if you can do it right!" Alex says and gets a high five from Justin.

Once the laughter dies down, Luke moves under me indicating that he wants to get up. I didn't even realise that I had ended up snuggling him again.

I move over and Luke stands up, "Right! Let's go downstairs and, as Matt said, kick some ass!"

All the boys whoop as Lexi and I have a chuckle. We all get up and everyone starts going downstairs. Luke yells that he's just going to get the pizza and starts going to the kitchen. Damien and I follow him to help carry all the pizza and the drinks.

"Dude, I still don't understand why you haven't got like waiters and stuff to curry everything." Matt yells as he starts to descend the stairs.

"Because," Luke yells back, "Then I wouldn't have body like this!" He winks at me and grabs the pizza boxes.

I scoff at that and roll my eyes, grabbing the plates and serviettes while Damien puts some glasses on a tray. Luke runs the pizza downstairs while Damien and I slowly follow. When we're halfway there, Luke reappears and goes to fetch the drinks.

I can tell this is going to be one hectic night especially seeing as there are a couple of beers and shooters thrown in with the fizzy drinks.

So far this book is 54 pages in word and 13213 words! Thanks so much for your support guys and for getting me 1000 reads! I didn't even think this would reach 100!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya!

Falling For My BFB (Best Friend's Brother) #completedWhere stories live. Discover now