Chapter I

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Hey guys! This is my first book so please bare with me!

******Mia's POV*******

"Mia! How was Aaauuussstttrrraalliiia?" Lexi screams across the airport in her best Australian accent. "Hi Lexi! How are you?" I reply as soon as we get within a couple of meters.

Lexi is my loud, confident and super awesome best friend. She's come to fetch me from the airport so I can spend a couple of weeks with her until school starts.

We quickly embrace and I start loading my bags onto the trolley. Lexi immediately begins to question me, "Merry Christmas! How was your summer? How were all your hot Australian guy friends? Did you tell them about me? Why do I even ask? Of course you talk about me. I'm your best friend for Christ's sake!"

I laugh, return the Christmas spirit and begin to describe my summer. For her peace of mind I do mention that I told some of my friends about her and showed them pictures and how they really keen to meet her. I can't wait until she comes with me at the end of term!

It's a short drive from the airport to Lexi's house and we get there in under 20 minutes. On the way she told me all about her summer and how all of her older brother's friends, who she practically grew up with, have matured to become and I quote, "so strong they could legit rip a car in half, so ripped you could literally use their abs as plates and so drop dead gorgeous that you could just ... drop dead!" I laugh at her unusual choice of words.

We pull up into her driveway and everything becomes silent. I feel my jaw drop a little. Lexi has never told me once about her house, just that she has plenty of space for me to stay. Little did I know that she lives in a frikking mansion that looks like a frikking castle!!

"Mia, close your mouth, you'll end up swallowing a fly!" she giggles. I just stare at her in shock, my mouth continuously moving up and down, "But.........But............How..........You never said.............What?"

Lexi giggles, "Yeah, we get that a lot."

"Lexi! How could you not tell me you live in a frikking mansion?" I practically scream even though she's sitting about a foot away from me.

"Okay, so basically my dad's a pilot for a British company, meaning he's away a lot but gets paid in pounds which does absolute wonders for his back account. My mom is a stay-at-home-mom slash professional artist who gets commissioned to do art for people all over the world meaning she gets paid in lots of different currencies which does absolute wonders for her bank account. Overall it means that we do pretty well as a family."

"No shit Sherlock! Holy cow this is like AMAZING! Hurry up! I wanna go see the inside!" I yell almost jumping right out of the car. Lexi just laughs and pulls me back before I can do anything.


Lexi gives me a tour of the house which mostly consists of me staring at things in awe. She has the most amazing room with an en-suite, two king sized beds (why two? I have no idea), a walk-in closet and a swimming pool. Like literally! She has a swimming pool in the middle of her room (heated of course!).

By now it's about seven o'clock and we hear her mom calling us for supper. This family could afford a luxury chef. No, screw that. They could afford like 20 luxury chefs, but her mom insists on cooking the food. She claims she loves cooking and does indeed cook the most delicious food ever. Her mom seems really nice, her name's Linda and she stayed and chatted with us the whole way through supper, only leaving to get some dessert.

Once we're finished, Lexi and I help Linda pack the dishwasher and pack the rest of the food away, we hear a loud voice call, "Honey, I'm home!" I assumed it was Mr Summers but little did I know that it was actually her brother Luke. He stops in the kitchen when he sees me and grabs my hand, "Hey there sweetheart, I'm Luke and you are?"

"Luke!!! Stop flirting with my friends!!!" I hear Lexi whine. "Shhhh! Don't interrupt our moment," Luke replies not breaking eye contact. "Your gorgeous friend here was just about to tell me her name."

Is it possible that my heart just skipped a beat? I mean here is this smoking hot guy, holding my hand and telling me I'm gorgeous. Somebody pinch me! I stare into his eyes for a couple of seconds wondering why he's still holding my hand only to realize that I haven't introduced myself yet.

"Oh shit sorry! I'm Mia, Mia Blue." I sheepishly say breaking the eye contact and looking down.

"Gorgeous and got an accent! Where did you say you found her Lexi?" he says, raising his eyebrow at Lexi.

"Ag Luke Adrian Summers! Stop hitting on her! Mia come let's go." Lexi pulls me away, my hand slipping away and drags me upstairs to her room.

858 words

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