Chapter XXX

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I can't believe that I've been here for a week already. Time really does fly when you're having fun. I roll over and see that Lexi is still fast asleep.

My phone buzzes next to my bed and I grab it to see a new message from Luke.

Luke: You up?
Me: I am now 🙄
Luke: Good 😉 Is Lexi?
Me: Would she ever be up this early?
Luke: True, true ... Wanna go downstairs and get some breakfast?
Me: I'll be there now 😏

I put my phone down and grab my bra off the floor, putting it on under my pjs. Slipping out of the room, I creep down the corridor and down the stairs, my socked feet gliding along the floor.

I walk into the kitchen and sit down at one of the island chairs. Luke's not here, he must have gone to the bathroom first or something.

I go onto my Instagram and start scrolling, my thumbs automatically double tapping each post. My body stiffens as I feel arms go around me, but instantly relax as I realize that it's Luke.

"Hey," he says, and kisses my cheek. I spin my chair around so that I'm facing him and wrap my legs around him. I lean back and rest against the comfy chair cushion. "Hi," I respond and smile at him.

He grins back, leans towards me and puts his hands on the counter on either side of me. "I really like your pjs. Short shorts and a tight top suit you." A blush creeps onto my cheeks.

"Thanks," I laugh, and wrap my arms around his neck, my legs dropping to around his knees. His eyes, now a glistening color of blue, pierce into mine as a small smile settles onto his lips.

His smile grows and he quickly attaches his lips to mine. It's a fiery kiss, and I can't help but let a smile escape and the kiss continues.

His returns the smile and I can feel his tongue slip into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance, before I let him lead the way.

My hands make their way to his hair, spirally circles against his scalp and gently tug at the long strands of hair. He moans against my mouth and I can tell that he enjoys that.

The kiss slows down as we run out of breath. We break apart, both of us panting. I close my eyes and savior the closeness of Luke to me. He smells like Axe deodorant. The blue one.

His hands reach to my waist and he lifts me up onto the counter. He spreads my legs and stands in between them, against the counter. My legs automatically wrap themselves around him again and my hands tie at the back of his neck.

He smiles at me before leaning down and kissing me again. It's slow this time, a lot of lip biting and smiles are exchanged. He places a hand on the back of my head to deepen the kiss. He pulls away and starts kissing down my jawline and onto the tips of my shoulders before kissing his way back up.

My lips are craving his right now and the kiss continues as soon as his lips are on mine. He was about to deepen the kiss again when we hear Lexi's door shut.

We freeze and Luke slowly pull away. "Mia, are you downstairs?" Lex's voice floats down the stairs.

Luke and I share a look before I reply, "Yeah Lex, I'm in the kitchen."

Luke moves out of the way and I jump off the counter. We both quickly sit down in the island seats and pull out our phones to hide any evidence of our makeout session.

"Morning," Lex's voice mumbles as she goes to make herself some coffee. "Do you guys want some?"

"Hmm?" I look up from my Instagram. "Yes please."

"How long have you guys been up for?" Lex asks. "When I woke up, Mia was already gone."

"Oh, not long. I heard Luke come downstairs so I figured I would come join him and see if he knew what we were doing today."

"Well, we have no fixed plans yet. I was thinking that we head into Stellies and just wonder around town?" Lex suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Luke says and I nod my head in agreement.

"Okay, cool. I've already invited Nick for you, Justin for me and Luke, you can bring a friend," Lexi says, handing me my coffee.

Luke and I share a glance. We can't blame Lex for inviting Nick, she doesn't know about us. "I'll just bring Alex," Luke says.

"Okay cool, you guys up for leaving in an hour?" She asks.

"Um yeah, I just need to shower," I shrug.

"Yeah, so do I. Do you wanna go first?" Lex offers.

"No, you're almost finished your coffee already, and I've barely started. You go ahead and I'll come after," I negotiate.

"Okay, cool," I agree as Lexi walks out of the kitchen and up the steps.

Luke and I don't say anything until we heard Lexi's door closed. Luke spun me around so that we faced each other.

"What are we gonna do about Nick?" I ask Luke.

"There's nothing that we can do without Lexi suspecting something," he reasons.

"So do I just act like nothing changed between Nick and I and between you and I? I haven't spoken to him since Lexi's party," I ask. Images of him kissing me come flooding back, but I push them to the back of my mind.

"Yeah, just don't let Lexi suspect that anything is different. I'll be there too so you won't be alone," Luke assures me. He stands up and hugs me, my head resting against his stomach.

"Thanks Luke," I look up at him and he smiles before planting a quick kiss on my lips. We then here the shower turn off and I excuse myself to go upstairs.

Well today is not gonna be awkward at all ... Note the sarcasm 😉

Let me know what you guys think xx Love you lots Shoutout to Valencia1213 for mentioning me in her book xx

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