Chapter Seventeen

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"When did you even get a dress?" Katie asks as we sat in our room. "Well, on our last hogsmeade trip I picked one up just in case I decided to go." I admit. Angelina sighs as she looks away from messing with her hair in the mirror and looks my way, "You have such lovely hair. You could do anything with it." She complains. I give her a small smile before flicking my hand towards her hair. "Look in the mirror, you can do all sorts of things!" I tell her happily. I start waving my hand around, each time her hair changes to a new style. "Wait, stop!" Katie exclaims by the tenth one. "It's perfect!" We all scream. I have never felt more girlie as I then started flicking my hand for Katie's hairstyle. "I still wish I had waist length hair like you though." Angelina admits. "I don't do much with it. It's always in a pony tail you girls are really the only  one's who has seen it." I shrug. Angelina and Katie look at each other before squealing, "We are going to do your hairstyle." I stare at them with wide eyes hoping they were joking. I hate people touching my hair. They both come up to me with their wands and hair products. "Angelina, it's perfect." Katie breathes. "Let me see!" I yelp. "No way! You are waiting until the Yule Ball!" Angelina exclaims before they both take away whatever they did, leaving my hair in a ponytail. "I'm...I'm really excited." I tell them. "Oh come on, Anora, get excited!" Angelina yells. "Scream!" Katie agrees. In that moment, the loudest squeal erupts from my mouth. The girls joined in and we all started jumping up and down. "Why is this making me happy?!" I scream. "Because you're finally being a girl!" Katie screams back. We all fall to the ground laughing. A tap on the window makes us calm down. "It's from Fred and George." Angelina says, coming back with a letter. "Everyone can hear you Anora, it's really cute" Angelina awed,  "and George says to stop getting brainwashed by the other girls with a winky face at the end." She huffs and throws it down. "We will corrupt you!" She yells. "Let's do your makeup!" Katie screams back. "No!" I scurry out the room, the girls chasing me. We all tumble down the stairs, both the girls landing on me. I groan in pain and glance up to find Fred, George, and Lee staring at us. Lee hasn't been hanging out with us as much this year because of his new Ravenclaw girlfriend but I guess he finally got away from her, he isn't completely whipped after all. "Well, well, well." George taunts as he shakes his head. I groan in pain as the girls roll off me. I look around at all the faces surrounding me and crack a small smile. These people are the best thing I could ask for.

A/N: sometimes I feel like nobody reads this fanfiction.
I'll update again when I get five votes. It's not too much to ask for...right?

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