Chapter Fourteen

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"There is a meeting with Professor McGonagall, everyone." Hermione announces. I groan but get up, the twins and I have been selling our products again and it's an even bigger hit than before, which I didn't know would be possible. "Come on." I sigh as we follow the other Gryffindor's to see what McGonagall wants. When we get in there I sit beside Harry, Hermione, and Ron while the twins stayed near the back. "This year we will be holding a Yule Ball to correspond with the tournament." She tells us. I gulp, "A ball?" Harry's face paled and at the same time we both groan. "Potter and...Potter stop complaining." She instructs. I give Harry a sideways glance but say nothing more as I lay my head on my hand. "Mr. Weasley, come here." She directed towards Ron and when he stood up I had to hide my snicker as McGonagall made eye contact with me. "Ms. Potter..." she trails off not having to finish as I gulped and stood up. "Put your hand on her waist, Mr. Weasley." She instructs. Ron gulps and looks at her with lost eyes. "Where?" He asks. "Her waist." She looked like she was having way to much fun with this. I grab his hand and put it on my waist before frowning as she starts instructing us to dance. I got a glimpse of the twins dying of laughter as I constantly yelped as their clumsy brother stepped on my feet. "Ron, if you step on my feet again I will-" I was cut off  of my threat by McGonagall stopped me, "Ms. Potter, you may go find another partner. Everyone else get a partner." I looked around to find someone and saw George grinning at me. "Come on, Potter." He teases and grabs my arm. I sigh in relief as I notice he isn't stepping on my feet. "Fred and I had a bet on who could get to you to dance first. He owes me 10 sickles now." George tells me. "Hey! Don't bet on me." I whine and pout. "Put that lip back where it belongs before Fred comes." George snickers. I playfully glare at him. "Who are you taking to the dance?" I ask him. "Probably Angelina, that is if she says yes." George says thoughtfully as his eyes gaze over Angelina. "I'm not sure if I want to go." I admit quietly. "What? Why?" He asks. "I just...I don't like the feeling of waiting for a guy to ask me, especially since I want Fred to ask me and what if he doesn't?" I question. "Anora, I think you're just thinking of excuses on not to go. My brother is going to ask you and you are going to say yes because you're bother madly in love with each other and you barely know it." George rants. He opened his mouth to continue but I put my hand over his mouth. I look around trying to find Fred but had no luck. "Where is Fred?" I ask George. We were finally released by McGonagall so George and I were walking back to the common room. "Who knows I thought he would come and try to dance with you but he just disappeared." George shrugs it off. We enter the common room to find Fred and Angelina whispering to each other. George and I glance at each other but say nothing as we sat down a bit away from them. "Let's work on our products but quietly so we can hear what they're saying." I whisper to him. He nods and I snap my fingers, all of our product materials are instantly in front of us.

"No, Angelina, I need help with this...."

"...yes, I do..."

"So tomorrow we can meet up at...."

"and this will be amazing.."

"should we tell George?"

What? I glance at George and I could see he looked just as confused as me. "Are we both getting stood up?" I ask horrified. "I don't think I'm going to the ball." I state. "Wait, no, Anora." I stood up and start walking towards the dormitory stairs. "Anora, stop and listen!" He exclaims, grabbing the attention of every body. I saw Angelina and Fred staring at us in confusion as they watch me flinch away from George's hand. "Just leave me alone." I tell him softly before running up the stairs. I remember two years ago when the twins told me they both liked Angelina. Now I understood perfectly why Fred hasn't asked me out. He still likes Angelina.

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