Chapter Nineteen

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"Oh my godric." Angelina breathes out. "What? Is it bad?" I ask. I had just finished doing my makeup. "Your dress is so beautiful. You look stunning." Katie was just as shocked. "Why so shocked?" I asked them, feeling self conscious. "We didn't think the prettiest girl in school could get prettier and we haven't done your hair yet!" Angelina exclaims. They spent another twenty minutes doing my hair. "Anora, look in the mirror." Katie finally tells me. I was nervous to look in the mirror but when Angelina handed the necklace Fred gave me I put it on and walked over to the full standing length mirror. I looked radiating which shocked me. "You look like a goddess." Katie sighs, as if she envied me. "What did you do to me." I ask them. "What do you mean?" Angelina asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Why do I look..." I trail off staring at myself. "Hot?" Katie asks. I smile at them and they hand me box."What is this?" I ask. "Your shoes, you are not wearing sneakers, Nora." Katie says with a smile. I open it to find heels. "Oh no." I whisper. I looked up at their smiling faces and sighed, putting them on. I snapped my fingers, making sure my feet wouldn't end up in pain and let me walk gracefully. "You girls go on ahead. I will be down in a bit." I tell them. They give me a hug before leaving. I stood staring at myself, the cream colored dress that has a hint of gold sparkled every time it swayed. It was quite the ball gown and I was quite scared it was too much, or not enough. I finally made my way down the stairs and when I turned the corner I knew all eyes were on me. "Anora?" Fred asks, grabbing my hand. "Yeah?" I question. "You look so beautiful." He breathes out. Our hands stayed connected as we finally descend the staircase to the ball. (I didn't realize George and Angelina were hiding out and taking photos until later.) "You're wearing the necklace." Fred grins. "Of course I am. It's perfect." I smile. "A perfect necklace for a perfect girl." He tells me. "Would you like to dance?" He asks, I nod. As the night went on he continues to throw cute remarks to me. I realized how much I wanted to be with my best friend. "So, I'm guessing you don't like Angelina?" I finally ask when we sat down to take a break. "No. Why would you think that?" He asks. "I'm not sure..I guess..." I trail off but finally decide to explain my reasons. "I only like one person, Anora." He tells me. "Who?" I question playfully. A slow song start, the first of the night. "Come on, love." He smiles and grabs my hand. His hands wrap around my small waist as I bring my arms around his neck. We swayed to the music for awhile as I looked everywhere but his eyes. "You can look at me, you know." Fred chuckles. I slowly look up at him and smiled, "what if I don't want to?" I tease. "Well, what do you want?" He asks. I could sense he meant it in a more serious manner. "I want you and I to..." I trail off as my face goes red. "I want that too." Fred breathes out, putting his forehead against mine. "Nory, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. My grin widens as I nod, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

I havent posted in so long because I feel like nobody cares and school is so hard. I am so busy  ughhh

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