Chapter Twelve

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I had just finished doing Fred and George's homework when Harry came up to me. "Hey." He smiles, sitting beside me near the Black Lake. "Hi..." I say cautiously. When does he talk to me? "Look," he meets my eyes and I could see a sense of strictness about him, "I want you to know I didn't put my name in the Goblet of-" He starts but I cut him off with a laugh. "Well, obviously you didn't. Fred and George tried and they failed which means you definitely wouldn't be able to." I tell him. His face flooded with relief as he sighed, "Ron is mad at me. He thinks I did it but I swear I didn't and...I just really don't know what to do, Anora." This is the first time Harry has ever came to me for something. "I think you should focus on surviving this tournament, Harry. Ron will come around and if he doesn't then he obviously isn't your friend." I tell him. He smiles and hugs me, taken me by surprise. "I love you Anora, I want you to know that." He says softly. "I love you too." It's the first time we have said that to each other. "Wait, what do you mean that I couldn't do it since Fred and George can't do it?" He asks. I chuckle as he sits beside me, "I helped them and since I couldn't, you couldn't." I explain. He nods slowly, before putting his head on my shoulder. We talked for two more hours after that.

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"I saw you and Harry talking." Cedric says when I had stopped by him in the Great Hall. He was leaving and I was entering. "That's not creepy." I grin. He chuckles and shrugs, "You took my seat! I always sit there." He tells me. "No, I always sit there." I retort. "How is it possible we both always sit there?" He asks. "Because you're lying." I snicker and he laughs, "Touche, Anora." I look around the Great Hall and notice many people staring and whispering about us. "People are talking about us." I whisper to him. "It's because I'm an attractive guy and you're an attractive girl." He explains. "People think I'm attractive? Wait, you think I'm attractive?" I question him. "I gotta go Anora, Hannah is calling me." He says and I turn to see a group of Hufflepuff's patiently waiting. He hugs me before leaving and I go to the table to eat. I sit down and pile my plate up just as my stomach growls. "Do people think I am attractive?" I ask George when him and Fred move from sitting at the end of the table to beside me. "Why are you asking me?" He asks. "Because Fred will have a bias answer." I point out and Fred smirks. "Why do you want to know?" Fred asks. "Because Ced said people always talk about us being together because we are both attractive." I explain. "That's true. I mean everyone likes you as well." George tells me. "But people don't talk to me." I say instantly. "Because they're nervous, like Ginny with Diggory. It's because you're pretty and have an amazing personality that makes people nervous." George explains. "Then why do you guys talk to me?" I ask. "Because we have known you since you got sick on the train due to nervousness on the first day of Hogwarts." Fred snickers. I smile and decide that it is a good enough answer for me before digging into my food.

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