Chapter Eighteen

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"Cedric! Are you excited for the ball?" I ask him. "Of course. Where is everyone?" He asks looking around the great hall. "Oh, a lot of girls are staying in to get ready." I snicker at the though of having to sneak away from Angelina and Katie. "Dang. But its lunch time, the ball is in like seven hours!" He exclaims. "I know. It's crazy! It can't possibly take that long." I agree. "Who is your date?" I ask him. All of a sudden a dreamy look came over his face, "Cho Chang." I clap him on the back, "you're a lucky man!" He laughs as he puts his fork down. "Who are you going with?" He asks. "Fred." I grin. "Then why are you sitting here with me at the Hufflepuff table?" He asks. "George said I can't be near Fred until tonight." I shrug. Cedric stands up from the table and grabs my arm. "Come on, milady, let's go do something!" He grins. He seemed so happy and carefree. "You're on, Diggory!" I exclaim before we both run out the Great Hall. "Black lake?" He asks. "Black lake!" I nod. As we run towards it I fling off my coat, then my shirt comes off, then my skirt. Leaving me in a tanktop and my underwear. My shoes fell off as I jumped into the water. Cedric was smarter and just took off his shirt and shoes. But we were both dumb as we splashed and swam around it occurred to us that it had started snowing. "C-C-Cedric, lets g-g-go!" I shiver a few hours later. We get out of the water and I couldn't find my clothes. "Cedric...Where are my clothes?" I ask. I look up only to find him running shirtless, dripping wet, with my clothes. "Diggory!" I scream. I chased after him and as I followed him through the castle I realized how stupid I looked running in my underwear, and the fact my tank top is white. "Diggory!" I scream again. He laughs and bangs on the wall outside of the Gryffindor tower. "No!" I yell. Our noise level was probably the reason a curious person decided to open the portal, letting Cedric right in, and me following. "Bloody hell." Cedric and I were both dripping wet standing in front of Fred and George. "Give me my bloody clothes!" I exclaim, yanking them away. Cedric let's out one last laugh before patting my back, "Bye, Anora." I stood there soaking wet as I waited for the guys to speak. "What did you do?" George finally asks. "I went swimming." I laugh nervously. "You should go get ready and next time be careful. What happens if you get sick?" Fred asks, finally taking his eyes off my body. "I'm fine, Freddie." I smile and kiss his cheek. I start walking toward the dormitory. "Wait!" I turn back around to a flash in my eyes. George and that damned camera! I stick my tongue out at the boys before running up the stairs and entering my dorm. "Anora what happened to you?!" Angelina gasps. "Swimming!" I exclaim, laughing. I left them to go and shower, letting my excitement start up again.

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